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  1. gait

    2006 fe180 max stock boost

    limp mode typically has a dashboard warning light on. Is it on? If it isn't on it isn't limp mode. If it is on, its limp mode, and there'll be a blink code to read. Just running rough isn't limp mode. Black smoke is too much fuel / not enough air.
  2. gait

    2006 fe180 max stock boost

    silly questions - what indicates its in limp mode? Is there a turbo wastegate regulator not working? the wire links for mem and diag are fuses in later models.
  3. gait

    FG fuel economy

    I thought I'd posted this, but can't find it in this thread. Fuel consumption over 100,000 km and 157 tank fills. Best consumption was Scandinavia and India / Nepal. Consistent low speed, long runs. 13.0 l/100km - 21.8 mpg. Worst was Turkey. Higher speed, steeper hills, higher ambient...
  4. gait

    2007 FG Instrument Panel Lights Out

    thanks John. I've never checked but I believe the factory engine emergency stop on my truck is mechanical. Which makes sense to me. One of the side effects of the near fire was the starter operating with ignition off. Once the electrical system began to fail anything could happen. And did...
  5. gait

    2007 FG Instrument Panel Lights Out

    Sorry Owen. I understand the concern, however ..... I'm sure they exist but I can't conceive of an interlock on a safety cutout and can't recall ever having seen one in industrial systems. I have seen systems that operate when an emergency stop has been activated, mainly associated with...
  6. gait

    2007 FG Instrument Panel Lights Out

    by some quirk of fate, coincidentally, it was the fuse to the cab dome light that melted but didn't blow, and the insulation on the wire to that light was thoroughly melted full length as part of my near fire in Nepal. It happened when the door was open and presumably light would have been on. I...
  7. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    of course there's always a hiccough. In this neck of the woods "tube" is "pipe" at the local steel merchant. Its dimensioned as NB (nominal bore). So 50mm NB pipe is OD 60.3mm and comes in various wall thicknesses. Next size down is 40mm NB which is 48.3mm OD. Welcome to incomplete...
  8. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    In my case I need to get the body with sub-frame attached down to ground level so I can roll it over for maintenance.
  9. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    they aren't jacks. Just "telescopic" legs. One long tube in a sleeve attached to truck body. They provide the lateral stability. Jacking provided by normal hi-lift jacks beside them. Operation is - take weight on jack, remove pin in leg, raise or lower jack, insert pin in leg, release jack...
  10. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    thanks, weight with roof off and upper sidewalls removed, fridge and batteries out, but sub-frame still attached, is about 350kg. More awkward than heavy. With a bit of trigonometry .... outer wall thickness 4mm gives 2mm play over 700mm which is 5.7mm play at 2000mm (end of fully extended...
  11. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    ta, and yup, beat me to the edit ...... first pass says 50x3mm outer tube and 40x3mm inner with 12mm pin. I could be convinced to use 60mm outer and 50mm inner - I haven't checked available steel yet.
  12. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    after a lot of thought and a few suggestions from people who have done it with various vehicles and slide ons. The acme screw jacks are a tad expensive for very limited use (possibly once or twice in vehicle life). The hi lift 4x4 recovery jacks lack stability. So. Two steel tubes. One inside...
  13. gait

    New build. Fuso Fg4X4 Camper

    my bed lift was roughly the equivalent of turning a 4m long box into 6m. Under the bed was no longer constrained by dual use. Something like angles for seat squabs and backs became easy. Seating for 8, though usually 6. Inner sprung mattress. A big 2m x 600mm (6' x 2') bench.
  14. gait

    Is 4WD necessary in a Light Truck? Diff Locks Sufficient?

    I figured I bought 4wd to get us out of trouble. But driving through a few km of soft sand because it was in the way of getting from A to B, and crossing creeks with only one other vehicle per day in sight seemed like I was pushing the boundaries a bit. Well worth it.
  15. gait

    All Terrain Warriors campers

    must have been lucky Owen. Its an International Drivers Permit (IDP), not a licence. Basically a UN sanctioned translation of home country licence. Has to have home country licence with it. From Australia driving overseas wife and I both had MR (Medium Rigid, two axles greater than 8 Mt) in...
  16. gait

    Anyone ever put lifting jacks on

    I'm a bout to remove mine. I designed most things in, its removable but I missed jacking points and jacks.
  17. gait

    Fg637 cv replacement help

    the lengths people will go to to see how things work! Definitely broke though.
  18. gait

    Starting a home build FG and looking for lots of advice.

    Hi J, Not a case of messing up. Its just easier for me to discuss these sorts of issues during design when changes are relatively simple. Part way through the build, when some of the cement has set so to speak is very difficult, if only because its difficult to change. Its also easier for me...
  19. gait

    FUSO Suspension Help

    something very much not right with springs, bushes (spring ends and shackles), steering links, etc. Particularly look at bushes. Worn king pin bearings. At a pinch wheel bearings. Even check u-bolts. If the springs are bottoming out frequently that will effect steering stability. Silly...
  20. gait

    Problem with Fuso in China

    sounds good. Say hello to the deer stones in Mongolia for me. Its easier to relax and sight see without vehicle problems. Which way through Russia? Lake Baikal or The Altai? Either way enjoy. The Mitsubishi computer thingo should have been able to read the pressure. I'd put my money on a bad...