Search results

  1. gait

    NPS with stuck clutch

    you have my sympathy, just some thoughts, could also now be the master cylinder - perhaps clutch wouldn't release and pushing hard burst master cylinder seals. What's the fluid in the reservoir doing? what position is the lever that extends from the rod pushing out of slave cylinder to the...
  2. gait

    NPS Camper Build

    that would be a very nice project ............. yes please! the Danfoss / Secop 12/24v DC fridge compressors have a brushless DC motor driven electronically (electronically commutated) with variable speed control. IMHO the available after market controllers (thermostat ++) aren't quite as...
  3. gait

    NPS Camper Build

    air conditioners, fridges and a few other appliances are "heat pumps". The input power is used to drive a coolant circuit that transfers heat energy from a hot side to a cold side. The Carnot Cycle is a well known mathematical representation of the circuit. Efficiency depends on temperatures of...
  4. gait

    NPS Camper Build

    nice to see it coming together, good find on the aircon
  5. gait

    Life span of tyres

    estimate about 65,000 also - I forgot to do my usual rigorous recording, perhaps a bit less with the parabolics as the blocky tread feathers.
  6. gait

    NPS Camper Build

    just round the corner from ATW ..... John, your PM inbox is full ......
  7. gait

    Are Earth Cruisers & Co. overpriced?

    just thinking about it .... hope I don't offend anyone ..... a diy project measured in years would probably be as over priced for me as an off the shelf .... the only way it makes sense to me is to plan and build using some basic project management and budget disciplines. Sorry, I spent a lot of...
  8. gait

    Are Earth Cruisers & Co. overpriced?

    its really low volume manufacturing, which means all those high overheads have to be spread over small numbers. There's a spectrum, from one-off diy that has limitless labour and limited tooling available and takes forever (literally, some projects are never completed sufficiently to use) to...
  9. gait

    Camper 3-point subframe crack

    I'm with you on the twisting. I have a meccano model that demonstrates a rigid mount for the non pivoting bits is subject to some twisting effects. As the rear twists (left-right) relative to the front one chassis rail has to be higher at the front than rear, the other lower. Eventually either...
  10. gait

    FG84 Camper Build

    have you considered a bed lift? Gives back a heap of space with minimal changeover. allows a "T" from the door which minimises/makes easier having to pass, etc, just another way of making 4m feel like 5.5m.
  11. gait

    Camper 3-point subframe crack

    difficult for me to see ... is something attached to top or bottom face of chassis rail?
  12. gait

    Hi, I think it's you who wrote the article on trip financing .... another approach, common...

    Hi, I think it's you who wrote the article on trip financing .... another approach, common from Australia, is the self funded retiree. Early retirement and sufficient superannuation to provide sufficient income. Rent the house, though we took the easier option of house sitters, and set off...
  13. gait

    Are Earth Cruisers & Co. overpriced?

    the question is surely whether they are value for money, and for some the answer is obviously yes. In my case, travel through Aus and Asia, I looked at the roughly A$250,000 and worked out the cost of a carnet - for India a bank guarantee of A$1m (4x value) or insurance premium of A$20,000 (2%...
  14. gait

    Pondering the COG of a camper mounted on a Mitsu or Isuzu

    very much dynamic, not static. I guess the vehicle wouldn't be much use if it didn't move. Depends where its going. Perhaps more of a "lurch" than a "roll" but crossing a rough creek bed provides some interesting movement. I guess I've become used to it. 30 degrees is roughly equivalent to...
  15. gait

    Pondering the COG of a camper mounted on a Mitsu or Isuzu

    be careful, its not just COG! Its also about the distribution of mass. Moment of inertia is mass x distance from COG squared. So, a heavy weight at roof height, compensated by a heavy weight low down, will roll much more than with the same weights concentrated at COG height. Similar occurs...
  16. gait

    Neutral safety switch bypass

    useful for "stall recovery", useful if stalled during water crossing. I haven't tried either in the Canter. It hadn't occurred to me that there may be a neutral safety switch on my vehicle. Its my ingrained 40+ year habit to always check before starting. Let us know when you've nutted it out.
  17. gait

    ECU Fault Log - decoding help?

    its an ELM327 adaptor. It automatically works out what level of OBD its trying to connect to. Most of them are Chinese copies. Some work, some don't. My first one failed to connect to the vehicle. This looks like a good find. Thanks J. Once connected we should be able to tweak the software to...
  18. gait

    ECU Fault Log - decoding help?

    equally intrigued as to what you have connected ... I have scant info but what little I have suggests ... which is reasonably close to the report P0335 Engine Revolution SNSR Blink code 15 P0340 Camshaft Position SNSR Blink code 12 I would first clear the ECU fault log. Start engine and look...
  19. gait

    FG Electrical Problem - Location of Earth connections in cab?

    absolutely, sounding boards are good. Even writing it down on a forum helps order the mind ........ it took me a couple of days to realise that some of the problems were intermittent - for example, after cutting the wire to the interior light at the fuse turning the interior light switch (above...
  20. gait

    FG Electrical Problem - Location of Earth connections in cab?

    well .... after about 10 days of analysis, testing, checking .... I finally got to doing. The interior light fuse was melted and hadn't broken the circuit. The wire had melted its insulation full length and caused all sorts of "cancer" in the rest of the loom. Simply - "fail to safe" failed by...