Search results

  1. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    ham frequencies are from 144-148 Mhz (VHF, aka 2 meters) and 420-450 Mhz (UHF, aka 70 centimeters) and is not broken down into channels. I could talk on 146.46 or 146.47 or 146.48 etc if I wanted to, just as an example. 151.625 isn't in a band you can use so best not to worry about channel...
  2. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    It's your money, if you want to pay more for the SAME radio by all means do so. We are just trying to help you.
  3. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    simplex means radio to radio, not using a repeater. A repeater is a radio with an antenna up on a tower or building that takes your signal and rebroadcast it from up high with more power there by increasing your range. However it is not nice to hog a repeater so for running with a group you...
  4. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    I have had two of the $30 Boafeng UV5Rs rolling around in my Jeep for the last 4+ years, they still work fine, but wouldn't be sad if one died or fell out of the Jeep.
  5. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    We are but hate to see you get over charged for the same radio programmed with frequencies you won't be able to use, even when you get your ham license. Once you get your ham license you can use any of the simplex frequencies you want within the ham bands as long as everyone you are wanting to...
  6. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    I must be bored... Here is who you could be intefering with by using the frequencies programmed into that radio. 1 WTHRMN 151.625 2701 Licensed users. Including: Union Pacific, FCA US, Subaru, University of Oklahoma, NM State University, BP, Exxon, Boeing, Vertex standard (Yaesu ham radios)...
  7. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    But a $30 radio is disposable.
  8. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    Depends on what the frequency is. Could be Business band, FRS, GMRS, MURS, Amateur radio, Public Service, Marine/Maritime radio....etc.
  9. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    154.980 Mhz... this is a good one. 644 Licensed users, damn near all of them are City, State, County, Police or Fire... all over the country. I picked 5 that appeared next to each other on the search list and found, CA, AZ, TX, WI, and NY.. 1 KA5725 LYCOMING, COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY...
  10. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    There are 2701 licensed users of 151.625 Mhz.. below are the first 100 that appeared in my search. Recognize any of them? Union Pacific, FCA USA, Subaru, University of Oklahoma, NM State University, BP, Exxon, Boeing, Vertex standard (Yaesu ham radios), UPS. Would hate to interfere with some...
  11. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    It is an expensive copy of a cheap chinese ham radio that Rugged Radios likely programmed to "race/off road" frequencies most of which are in the Business Band which also requires a license but they didn't tell you that. Some race teams hold licenses for the frequencies they use, some let other...
  12. prerunner1982

    SMS Text and Email via APRS using APRSdroid

    Sent a text to my wife from the ham radio in my Jeep through the International Space Station. #radionerd
  13. prerunner1982

    SMS Text and Email via APRS using APRSdroid

    Unfortunately I am not familiar with the D710g but perhaps this will help:
  14. prerunner1982

    SMS Text and Email via APRS using APRSdroid

    But Zello requires a cell network. APRS also requires a network of it's own though you can also do it through the International Space Station. In some cases there are digipeaters where the cell coverage may be lacking such as the Rubicon Trail. Your signal hops from digipeater to digipeater and...
  15. prerunner1982

    SMS Text and Email via APRS using APRSdroid

    I have run APRS for awhile and have used it for tracking and sending messages to other APRS users and sending packets through the International Space Station, and while I have known that APRS was capable of sending SMS text and emails I had not looked into it until recently. APRSdroid is what I...
  16. prerunner1982

    On trail comms; Why and how survey

    I run VHF, UHF, and HF ham radios. Part of it is hobby but I also use it to communicate with others both in group and outside of group, emergencies, vehicle tracking, sending text messages and emails when cell signal does not exist. I also have a CB that I can throw in for the non ham friends...
  17. prerunner1982

    2M Antenna Recommendations?

    If you are looking for something more budget friendly you might look at the Browning BR-180-b ( I have run...
  18. prerunner1982

    Body armour

    The 4 door body armor fit they just don't go all the way to the front door, but I haven't seen any mass produced 2 door versions.
  19. prerunner1982

    Antenna placement safety

    Other than developing a twitch, you should be fine. :D I agree with Dave, no longer than you will likely be transmitting you and your passengers should be A-OK! Great question.
  20. prerunner1982

    Just passed my tech and general exams!

    I said the same thing, thought General would be all that I needed as it offered most of the ham frequencies.....until the DX I was chasing always seemed to be just outside the General allocations. Needless to say 4 years after originally getting my license I upgraded to Extra. Never say never. :D