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  1. prerunner1982

    Ham Radio Field Day

    For those new to Amateur Radio, Field Day is the largest ham radio event in North America. Clubs/Groups set up temporary stations and portable antennas and operate off back up power(battery/generator) to simulate a wide spread disaster. The event runs for 24 hours and each group tries to make as...
  2. prerunner1982

    Android and Ham Radio

    I have a TS-480Sat and I like it as it is less menu driven. I am in the process of hooking up the tablet to do DroidPSK and DroidRTTY as well as use the DPS filter for voice contacts. The TNC I use does not do 300 baud so it can't do HF APRS. I wouldn't mind a 7100 either, they had been down to...
  3. prerunner1982

    Android and Ham Radio

    I use an Android tablet to run APRSdroid through a Mobilinkd TNC to a Yaesu FTM-3100r. I also use Repeaterbook, Broadcastify (not really ham, more scanner app but they do have some ham repeaters), QRZdroid, Ham Bands, Locator (Grid Square), HamClock, DroidPSK, DroidRTTY, DSP Audio Filter, Ham...
  4. prerunner1982

    SOCAL - Kenwood D710 help needed

    I am not familiar with the KRS software, but if it is giving you issues you may check out CHIRP. It is free and I have used it on multiple radios without a problem. Only minor annoyance is that it seems picky about the comm port you plug the cable into and what sequence you plug everything in...
  5. prerunner1982

    Ok, school me on coms

    A quad band radio isn't necessarily an issue, but a quad band antenna will be of some compromise. Also, a Tech licensee couldn't use the 10m part of the 8900 as it is FM and the Tech allocation is only in the SSB portion of the 10m band. Not sure there is a whole lot of 6m or 10m FM anyways, at...
  6. prerunner1982

    Rear mounted spare tire Antenna/Jerry can mount

    Looks great. I also have that mount I have been holding on to, I will use it eventually. If you are just looking for trail comms a NGP (No Ground Plane) antenna may be a good option for that mounting setup/location. Also if the antenna is short, the metal cans, metal wheel, and metal in the...
  7. prerunner1982

    New to APRS or new APRS gear?

    EMAIL is another server but I like EMAIL-2 as it does allow the recipient to replay to your email and you receive it via APRS. It also allows the use of aliases and it will store messages for up to 24 hours so that you may retrieve them when you are able within the 24 hr time frame. In order...
  8. prerunner1982

    New to APRS or new APRS gear?

    I am not familiar with the D710G so I can't walk you through it step by step but the concept is the same. Go to Msg, like you are going to send an APRS message to another ham also using APRS. Instead of entering a callsign you enter EMAIL-2. For the message you put the email first and then the...
  9. prerunner1982

    Expedition Portal Welcomes Midland USA

    What's the price point of the mxt90? Have you looked at the mxt105 or 115?
  10. prerunner1982

    HF Mystory

    I thought the same thing Dave but per Icom the radio can run +/- 15% which would put the low side at 11.73v. And since the issue was immediate upon the vehicle being turned off the battery shouldn't be low....unless as you mention the battery is weak.
  11. prerunner1982

    HF Mystory

    Chokes... (y) This seems opposite of what normally happens. Normally the ignition makes the noise and all is quiet with the vehicle off. Maybe a ground loop of some sort. Did something come ungrounded.... or maybe something became grounded that shouldn't be? Certainly a different scenario...
  12. prerunner1982

    Bad CB SWR...Can I keep my current setup but improve my SWR somehow?

    If you moved the radio and the SWR changed I would suspect an issue with the coax, make sure there are no tight bends in it.
  13. prerunner1982

    Ok, school me on coms

    SMSGTE works both ways APRS to Cell and Cell to APRS, however the messages are sent over RF at some point so both users should be licensed. It's like using APRSdroid, it can be used over your data network only however there are Igates that may transmit from APRS-IS to RF so you still have to be...
  14. prerunner1982

    VHF/UHF HT for emergency use?

    There is an APRS digipeater up on Equinox mountain in the Green Mountains. There is an APRS Igate up on Cannon Mountain in the White Mountains. There are a couple of digipeaters near Mt. Rainer as well, mainly one on Shriner Peak. APRS may be something to look into. You can get HTs that have it...
  15. prerunner1982

    VHF/UHF HT for emergency use?

    Where are you located and where do you plan on hiking?
  16. prerunner1982

    VHF/UHF HT for emergency use?

    I believe only one of the stories I listed involved the ham being the one needing to be evac'd, all others were hams who happened upon the incident and were able to provide assistance. Outback beat me to it.... a $1 short and day late...story of my life.
  17. prerunner1982

    VHF/UHF HT for emergency use?

    Just some stories of ham radio being used to facilitate a rescue.
  18. prerunner1982

    Let me show you how little I know....

    Don't recall if it has been mentioned in this thread previously but Field Day is another good way to learn more about ham radio. Granted it is geared mostly towards HF radio but none the less you will get some good hands on experience operating HF and setting up a variety of antennas if you show...
  19. prerunner1982

    Handheld CB, Worth it?

    I think the Midland 75-822 would be good for you due to the fact it can be a hand held or mobile. The Cobra 75 wouldn't be bad either you could leave the box part mounted and just disconnect the mic cord when not in use. I don't usually run a CB but when I have to I have a Cobra 19 with a power...