Search results

  1. J

    CJ Grille Conversion Kit for the TJ/LJ

    :( Somehow I can picture you setting up a jeep parts/fruit stand on the side of the road. Add these to the shelves next to the watermelons and fresh corn. :)
  2. J

    Aluminum Shell for M100 or M416

    Sigh...... Dang! I must be one of the weirdos because I really like it! Not so much on a 416 but would love to build a trailer FOR it. Any idea how much it weighs? Wonder what shipping to the other coast would cost? Where are those dang Star Trek teleporters when you need them!
  3. J

    Aluminum Lid for M416 or M101 1/4 ton Military Trailer - WA State

    It sure is nice...wish I had the moo-lah! What would you guess it weighs??
  4. J

    ***SOLD***Pelican 0450 Mobile Tool Chest - Surrey, BC, Canada

    Congrats...I didn't think it'd be available for long! I just pulled my older version out tonight and will see if I can outfit it with my tools tomorrow. Wish it was like yours! :)
  5. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    You should ask JSCHERB if you can put him on speed dial. He's a genius with TJ related stuff. And your project would look awesome with one of his TJ to CJ grille conversions!
  6. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    That's Purdy!!!!!!!!!! :O
  7. J

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    Tore into my XJ today. After the shipping company was nice enough to destroy my drive shaft and then trail fix it without warning me I was on borrowed time every time I moved it. I ordered a new adapter yoke from Serious off road and the new slip yoke and some 1310 joints from Morris 4x4. They...
  8. J

    CJ Grille Conversion Kit for the TJ/LJ

    JS.... That came out fan-freakin'-tastic! Once TJ/LJ prices drop a bit I wouldn't be surprised to see these conversions becoming popular. All the modern ride with all the classic looks. Win! 77blazerchalet...Uh, sorry man. That LIB with a Willys grille isn't it. Yikes. heehee! Now maybe if that...
  9. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    I like the integrated truss design. Curious if it matters if the axle is high or low pinion? I don't remember what your thinking of using and I'm guessing its not going to be a rock jock?
  10. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    Maybe you could just get one of those 3D printers and make me a complete jeep? :)
  11. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    Oh I don't think its boring at all. I have no idea how its done and think its cool. I just wish I could do it myself. :)
  12. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    Ok.... I'm gonna admit that while I know your project will be jaw dropping when you get going on it, I'm stymied at the computer renderings. I (sadly) have no idea how one does stuff like that on a computer. Sure wish I did because it could be helpful for designing my custom tool trailer. *sigh*...
  13. J

    Long Jeep.....chasing unicorns

    Third picture of the rear makes the bumper look like dual exhaust... I kinda like it. ;)
  14. J

    New Product!! TeraFlex Inclinometer

    She's............. yummy. *drool* lol!
  15. J

    ***SOLD***Pelican 0450 Mobile Tool Chest - Surrey, BC, Canada

    I have an older version of this case which was not all that great. These newer ones are MUCH improved and far better. Someone should jump on this!
  16. J

    Let's see your LJ's!

    JS's LJ... The erector set of cool! :)
  17. J

    Aluminum Lid for M416 or M101 1/4 ton Military Trailer - WA State

    Wonder what scrap value is.... :( Wish I had the spare $$
  18. J

    Building custom soft top for the LJ

    Thanks John. I was stating at Squint's pictures trying to verify it but you nailed it. I did find that Best top will sell the rails etc so I may look into that. Unless I can come across a used YJ set cheap... :)
  19. J

    Let's see your LJ's!

    sidebar Lots of sweet LJs here... me likey! ;) To side bar for a second I'd say that the long TJ is the last Jeep I could see myself buying new. While the JKs are very popular and capable in their own rites, I personally find them just to big. The TJ based LJ, as mentioned, does favor the CJ-6...
  20. J

    Building custom soft top for the LJ

    Hey Squint! Quick question about the TJ/LJ top channels. Do the channels bolt onto the tub or are they molded in at the factory and not removable? I found an LJ top here (used) locally and thought maybe it could be modified/molested to work on my CJ8. The seller seems to think the channels are...