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  1. J

    October is giveaway month for TeraFlex!

    Can you give away some stuff to Germany so I can lift my poor XJ? :)
  2. J

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    Thing Two... A little progress on the roof rack and something added late Sunday Afternoon... :elkgrin:
  3. J

    Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...

    does it hold people?? lol!
  4. J

    Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...

    Sadly your probably right...sigh!
  5. J

    Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...

    Just need less people on the planet... *shrugs*
  6. J

    Maybe something different...(teaser)

    I hear ya on the pics... Sorry for not grabbing any Saturday, it was a little hectic. I'll try for some Friday or Sat as I have a 3 day weekend coming up. :)
  7. J

    What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

    Stuff... Today was Scrambler day... Tomorrow is back at the XJ. Scram progress..
  8. J

    Rebuilding an XJ 4.0--in Hemi Orange!

    whomp-***... ;)
  9. J

    98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"

    Holy Speed Holes!!!!!!!!!!!! I really gotta try my hand at dimple die work one day... Are they expensive and hard to use?
  10. J

    Rebuilding an XJ 4.0--in Hemi Orange!

    No need to disco the arms... Just the shocks and the steering drag link. You may have to either jack the axle away from the frame a little to get more droop depending on how stiff the control arm bushings are. The other help is to undo the cross member bolts and raise the tail end of the...
  11. J

    Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...

    Vote.... Its the second step in fixing things! First is for us as citizens to take responsibility of our own lives and not think we are entitled to a free ride.
  12. J

    Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...

    Or "One more reason I hate California".... Not sure if anyone here is tracking this or even cares... I've always set a run on the Rubicon as a highpoint on my bucket list... but I feel like if I can't do it really, REALLY soon.. it will never be legally possible. :(...
  13. J

    Maybe something different...(teaser)

    I was down at the recycle center here on post again yesterday and found something that may or may not work out. I'm not even sure what it was designed to do originally but I'm guessing it held some commo or computer type equipment.?. But in a nut shell it is a double pivot assembly with two...
  14. J

    Rebuilding an XJ 4.0--in Hemi Orange!

    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! Man that blows chunks.... So sorry to hear that man! While I'm guessing the answer is a no... I'm sure you asked Earls to pay for fixing it?
  15. J

    Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.

    Funny you say that since I'm now on orders to VA. Somehow the idea of putting someone like me right next to that cesspool called CD full of all those lazy, bottom dwelling, self servicing politicians just seems like a really horrible idea! lol!
  16. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    At least they are actual trailer tires! Amazing how many folks just slap on some el cheapO car tires and call it good. Worse when its on a car hauler but still... :) How about a wee skid plate for the tire?
  17. J

    1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

    Aren't they cute... just like a real tire, only smaller! heehee! Kidding! Just make sure you don't drop the spare to low or it will be the first thing to contact the ground in a tail drag situation. Dragging that brand new spare over concrete doesn't sound very good for it. :)
  18. J


    Fuel Injection and an overdrive for the tranny brotha!!!!!!! ;)
  19. J


    Not bashing you... its your opinion and I defend your right to offer it. Just wanted to add some input on your post.
  20. J

    Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.

    If it was something I paid for I would consider it. But simply because the GOV didn't do it doesn't mean I should stick it to Pelican. That would be wrong in my opinion. Your welcome to yours of course. :)