Luv me some flattys!
Gonna keep my eye on this one. Especially since all the big boy flat fender owners are chiming in. ;) This will be an interesting build for sure.
Is the tub from MDJuan? I've been reading a thread they started on the Scrambler forum and those guys are good folks. Honest to...
Just found this and killed a large chunk of time reading through the entire thing! Wow! Excellent work as always Sir! Hope the shoulder is all healed up!
I wondered who won some of those auctions. :) I tried but the bidding went out of my league pretty quick... on ALL of them!
These are great winches and its a reasonable price too! I doubt he's making much, if any profit off this. Good luck with the sale!
Well... I gotta admit that you've had me confused up until that last comment.
I tend to be in the K.I.S.S camp of stuff and the miser end of cheapness so your back and forth between wanting both was screwing me up. Want stock axles but willing to run way deep wheels? Want to keep the budget...
No comment huh? Ummhmm...hahaha! Ok. ;)
I look forward to seeing the next unicorn breeding. IIRC, isn't the XJ 110" wb? If I were you I would go lay down in the back of an LJ or CJ8. Harder to sleep in the back of one than you would think. Doable? Maybe.... Comfortably? Mmmm.
But I'd bet if...
HMMWV was ok in its initial support role (IMHO). But as times changed and the military began to alter its role from utility to AFV (armored fighting vehicle), the "H" quickly outgrew its usefulness. The military (and the GOV in general) have lost their way when it comes to providing a vehicle...
I will have to locate a new flange adapter for the U-joint to Ford 8.8 flange and I'll need a new slip coupler that goes over the tranny's output shaft. And a new U-joint as well... The shaft's tube seems fine but finding a 2wd drive shaft isn't going to be that easy so I'll see how it goes. I...
Went out today to put some stuff in the Jeep and found a small chunk of splined tubing laying in the back. Crawled underneath to check since I KNEW it couldn't have been mine!?! Well... F me running! Seems the shipping people found a way to break my rear drive shaft and then "fixed" (term...
PlayN' with the boys of JP huh...? Guess that raises your star status to us humble onlookers... ;)
Great to see it out and about and that the clutch worked itself out. Now we just need more pics. haha!
*BTW, did you get chased down by the retro cj5 or just stumble across them on the trails? Any...
Thanks guys! I can't express how good it is to be back in the states! And while I'm (very) slowly getting settled in I look forward to getting my jeeps back. I'm already plotting and scheming towards the "to do" lists and other upcoming build stuff. :)
I'll defiantly hit you up John when I do...
(almost) back from the dead...
Happy Easter everyone! I wanted to post up an update as life has been extremely hectic lately. I am currently sitting about 1000m from Arlington National cemetary as I write this. My new duty station is Ft Myer, Virgina and I'm still in a semi-transiant, in...
On a related thread steal aside....
Where have you folks been getting your axles for your trailers? I'm wanting to build a small tool hauler to pull around post here in VA.
Looking good so far! I can't get online regularly until I get stateside and look into a replacemnt computer but...
Could I talk you into making one of those pilot bearnig slide hammers for me too!!?! :) Never seen the like and I hate the old grease method. I'll buy one off you. :)
For those that may be curious...I'm not dead but my conputer is. :( I've been wrenching like a fiend on both my CJ and the XJ while racing the clock. I'll be heading home to the states in less than 30 days and the process is a killer. Add to the regular move stuff, military processing hooha, and...
Cummins 6bt is an excellent choice. 12 valve is simpler, 24 a little more so but no worse. If starting from scratch I'd suggest the NV5600 6sp manual. The 4500 is ok but has a known 5th gear issue that peeps its ugly head out of nowhere and esp. with towing rigs. Ask me how I know that one.
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