Search results

  1. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    Nice! Just fish the camera out of the tailgate and attach it to the back edge of the camper - that's what I did. It might be a slight pain to get it free of the handle (in my case it was in the Ford emblem), but this way, it's guaranteed to work with your existing setup. I've never seen or read...
  2. doctorit

    Got the truck! Now I need a camper...

    Nice! TC650's sure do look at-home on crew cab Super Duty's, don't they?
  3. doctorit

    2005 Chevy Silverado 1500 without Airbags

    If you have both, load it up. If it's sitting on the bump stops with the camper, definitely not a good idea to drive it. It's gonna be overloaded with our without airbags (very few 1/2 tons could handle 1400 and be within GVWR), the airbags would just help it sit level and off the bump stops.
  4. doctorit

    Roof rack or hitch rack?

    I would really like to like this, I spent quite a bit of time last year looking for a solution like this because I already have a really nice hitch mounted rack. If they don't post any prices, I bet it would be cheaper to just buy an actual swing-away rack from an existing, established company...
  5. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    Well, it sure is black! :lol The camper's gonna look like it's floating on air. Enjoy the new year with it!
  6. doctorit

    Overhang Question

    All the above - yikes! If it's the short short-bed double cab tacoma, your COG is going to be behind the rear axle. Even before worrying about total payload (I'm sure you'll be over by 500, if not 1000#), that alone would really worry me.
  7. doctorit

    Camper Install By Laser

    All the links in the OP are broken.
  8. doctorit

    pop up's with bathrooms ?

    Hallmark make some very nice campers, for sure, but you pay for it. What's the lead time? From my reading, they're a lot like FWC - in other words, plan on waiting a while. For my money, the Northstar is hard to beat. There's even inventory that needs to be moved...
  9. doctorit

    Got the truck! Now I need a camper...

    You have a 1-ton, it would be a shame not to make use of it and get the bigger/comfier Northstar! Not like I'm biased... very nice truck!
  10. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    That sucks, sorry to hear. It's really a shame that both the factory and dealerships have moved so far away from custom ordering. It's not as easy as it should be, and your story is too common. At the risk of sounding obvious, try to locate one, even in another state, that's already on a lot...
  11. doctorit

    Enjoying my modded Northstar 800TC

    20mpg with a truck camper?!!?!
  12. doctorit

    $wheel Camper access steps?

    ExpoMike: very nicely designed and built!
  13. doctorit

    Considering a pop up

    There's no way my wife and daughter would break camp to take me fishing in the morning! Yet another vote for: no, it's not that easy. Now that I have 2yrs of practice, I can do it in 15min on my driveway with one-arm behind my back, but I've never had the guts to do it at a campsite, even a...
  14. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    Exactly. I leave it on, lowered. The TC650 isn't short enough to fit completely in the 6.6' F250 bed; I can't close the tailgate with it loaded. As for how it makes it "safer", when my daughter opens the camper door, on purpose or on accident, there's a tailgate there at basically the same level...
  15. doctorit

    New Truck, Harsh Ride Unloaded

    I'm very skeptical about this "sulastic" - never heard of it before today (and I've had a CDL for almost 20 years)
  16. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    tailgate: we use ours as a "front porch" (and love it) - I have the built-in step as well, a nice feature. Combined, it makes camping with our toddler much safer. Of course, our TC doesn't have the wrap. insurance: it's not a vehicle, so no reg (isn't that the best part of a truck camper???)...
  17. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    I've never seen a truck camper with hood-mounted machine guns... you might be on to something!
  18. doctorit

    New Truck, Harsh Ride Unloaded

    I run my F250 w/Michelin LTX at 45-50 when empty, 65 when loaded with camper. It definitely makes a difference. If you want to spend some money, you could install some adjustable dampers. Lots of folks in the TC world running Rancho RS9000XL, which you can set at 1 when empty, and 7-9 when...
  19. doctorit

    Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?

    Beamer Pilot's truck is a Crew. The Mega Cab is really easy to spot, it's got a good several extra inches of body behind the rear doors. It's obsceeeenely big, I've ridden in one. I don't know my Dodge's that well, but unless you're hauling 5 people regularly, I would pass since I assume it must...
  20. doctorit

    Hey - sorry, I'm just seeing this now. Not sure why I didn't get an email notification... The...

    Hey - sorry, I'm just seeing this now. Not sure why I didn't get an email notification... The 150 just had to work harder. It felt like it used a lot more space for braking, it needed a lot more air in the bags to bring it up to level, it bounced a lot more over bumps, and it moved around a...