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  1. Andrew_S

    Camper and Truck Photos

    Your setup is such an inspiration for me, such an awesome rig. Love this thread and all the different flavours of rigs, A few more of ours from this fall/winter Winter is the best time of year to camp, no bugs and every spot is available.
  2. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^^ thanks, so much friggin work. Out for a night last weekend, Lots of snow in the hills Inspired by the snow we hit the hill today, Can't beat blue skies and fresh snow Love this part of the world. Hitting the hill in the am, out for a cruise in the afternoon.
  3. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Learning the lakes and the honey holes takes a lot of time. It really depends on the species your after and where they reside in the cold water. For lures, again it really depends on the species. For trout, shall bays with lots of weeds and a small jig head with some type of live bait is usually...
  4. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    4runner day, This muffler has been sitting on the floor for far too long. Felt like I was back in Ontario doing this job... Must be the heat because this is the most rust on the entire truck. Had to cut in a few pieces but it finally came out. What a pain. One size fits #$%@ all...
  5. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^ Yup, definitely. Butter, salt & pepper. We do fish tacos, fish & chips, rolls, etc, etc. Can't go wrong. Wife's on a trip to Hawaii w/ a friend, so I've had a bit of time to do some wrenching this week. Started modifying the truss for the upper arm. Picked up a piece of 3"x3" tube @ .25"...
  6. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Almost forgot, out ice fishing again. These perch are one of the best fish you can put on the table in my opinion,
  7. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Good memory, yes I finished up a civil tech program I had started in my youth. It's paid off 3 times over at the moment. I work in local government and have been very fortunate when it comes to opportunities to advance lately. Thanks for the suggestions. I think* it's a tps issue. I'm going to...
  8. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    I almost forgot. I went on a bit of a snow blower kick in December. First I picked up this no-start Ariens 24" for $50. Got it running "ok" and it worked great. Then I picked up this craftsman 10-30. It was a pile, no fuel, no spark, no drive, no auger, seized chute cable. Cleaned the carb...
  9. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    It's been a hot minute. We've had family visiting for over 2 months now. Now much camping or forward progress has happened.. The truck has developed a code 45, 02 rich intermittent stumble recently. Have started troubleshooting but not getting anywhere fast. Swapped the 02, no change...
  10. Andrew_S

    2000 Frontier (Supercharged) Build and Adventures - Babe the Blue Ox

    Yeah I couldn't come up with a "great" reason for the blower, but was curious. That was going to be my next question, duration. IIRC honda specs 120k km's or 8 years, for certain models. Lucky go of it with no valve to piston contact regardless. Love the adventure/wheeling pics. Can't wait to...
  11. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Yup, hearts, moose hearts to me more specific. Some hunter discard the organs, but in my opinion heart is one of the best cuts. I don't know if this is happening for everyone but these supply chain issues are really putting a hamper on my plans. I ordered some coil buckets weeks ago and I...
  12. Andrew_S

    2000 Frontier (Supercharged) Build and Adventures - Babe the Blue Ox

    Ooof, tough break. Have you considered the roots blower may possibly be the cause for premature failure? Bit of a reach but maybe the extra torque/revs would lend itself to a reduced service life. It would be interesting to know if the xterra timing belt interval is shorter.
  13. Andrew_S


    Lots more adventures since the last post. Still have to finish out the interior, not sure if I'll ever get around to it. Solid axle swap is up next. Lots more details and photos in the project thread below.
  14. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    We have two big stand ups, and they are getting there. After my performance this hunting season, I'll need to catch a lot of fish. We have a cheapo costco prosumer vac unit. It's ok, I would like to upgrade to something a bit better in the future. Thanks, you & I both. We spent another night...
  15. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Thanks for the good words guys. Pushed through this sled track to get to a lake on Saturday. Instantly rewarded for our efforts. Ended up with a limit of these super hungry brookies. Really impressed with how well the truck does aired down to 10psi. Finally tested out that smitty built...
  16. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    First real winter camping trip this weekend, This little planar laughs at -5, barely running, Just a sliver left, smart beaver. Although it was cold we couldn't do any ice fishing on the first lake, it was still open water. Burned about 2.5 liters of diesel in 18 hours and only 11 amp/hr...
  17. Andrew_S

    ITTOG's Truck Camper Build (was 6' x 12' Trailer Conversion)

    Holy smokes that's a lot of work in a couple of posts. Nice work! I can't wait to see this thing sitting in the truck fully popped up. What a unit.
  18. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Wow that must have been a ton of snow to stop the fan, unreal. Ooof, not a fan of doing that media stuff hahaha. Still waiting to see some pic of your unit out in the wild! Alberta has some really awesome spots. Pretty much the entire western side is unreal. Quick update, haven't done much...
  19. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    One last sit before the weather turned to cold for my liking, This is old girl is getting old Views from the top of Terrace mountain Opted to pop the top and enjoy the scenery and a beer with the diesel heater. The road to the top of Terrace is a nasty little quad trail. A bunch of...
  20. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    A couple of random hunting pics from earlier, out of order Sighting in the new T3X 300wm Bird days View from the old KVR Thumbs up to Expedition upfitters. I emailed about my original tank/cap leaking diesel and they immediately sent over a new one no charge at all. There is...