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  1. Andrew_S

    Pop-Up Camper - Custom Build (scratch built) Oasis-Si

    Holy smokes this build is unreal. Your attention to detail and craftsmanship is something dreams are made of. Seriously I'm blown away. Awesome work, the trim, sheeting, everything. So glad I found this thread.
  2. Andrew_S

    Sawtooth Unlimited - Off Road Pop Top Camper Trailer

    Very cool to see how everything is going together. Love the overall design of it too. Keep up the great work.
  3. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Trying to figure out an easier system for removing and installing this set up. I think I'll be swapping this out for pulleys and some type of winch system. Maybe even another set of actuators? Milestone day, Just over a min from parked to fully set up. There is still a ton of things...
  4. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Nice little project this evening. As soon as I put the lights up top I didn't like how they weren't centered vertically on the front of the camper. So I picked up a piece of schedule 40 pipe and cut some coupons out of some scrap. Rigged up this nice little fixture to weld them up...
  5. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Got the harness put together for the actuators and switches yesterday. 2 momentary rocker switches, divided front/rear and a on/off master switch for power. I was worried about always having power to the switches if anything ever hit them or pushed them on by mistake that would be 300 lbs of...
  6. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^ Thanks. I wish we were getting out there more often though. Have a lot of missed time camping to make up. Knocked off a few things today. Originally built the bed tray not planning for actuators. Made some alterations to it today. Fits great again and tips all the way up to the ceiling...
  7. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Spent 20 mins or so this evening dialing in the gas struts. These things are set up almost perfectly now. The 1st door is set up for 5* over horizontal and the 2nd is set level to use as a table for cooking on. "
  8. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Yeah that was definitely a super rewarding moment. To see it move up and down and everything work together was pretty awesome. Thanks man, I really appreciate that. Honesty the actuators have been probably the easiest part. Got the gas springs from a local company Gemini gas springs. The...
  9. Andrew_S

    ITTOG's Truck Camper Build (was 6' x 12' Trailer Conversion)

    Man awesome progress here. It's really starting to take shape. You've got me considering a shelving design idea for the front of the bed that will spread the load of my camper a little bit now. I never really considered how much weight the very front of the bed has to bear with such a large...
  10. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Right on, I'l send you a pm with my phone #. Would definitely be down to shoot the ******** and give you the lowdown on all of the things I would do differently next time. Thanks, I really appreciate it. Did a moose scouting trip on Saturday. Put a good 200km's of bush roads on the truck and...
  11. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Been a minute, Hit a hard drainage ditch the other day and the steering wheel was slightly crooked afterwards. This steering set up just eats up idler arms. Can't wait to sas this thing. Quick canoe fitting, had to figure out some stuff for my hdpe sliders. Due to the slightly higher...
  12. Andrew_S

    Another DIY truck camper

    Awesome looking build. Your attention to detail is unreal. Very curious to know what the final weight is. Any ballpark on total hours invested and cost of materials?
  13. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^Thank you. They are rated for 150lb each, w/30" stroke. Honestly sometimes you just get lucky and these are an absolute perfect fit. I designed the pop top for a 30" lift. Total stroke of luck. The way they fit in the camper is unreal, honestly couldn't have come up with a better solution...
  14. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Real quick one here, couple packages arrived, we went back and fourth on what to do for a mattress. Ended up settling on this. I was pretty skeptical for the price but this is pretty nice. It's a 4" milliard foam mattress. It's pretty comfy to lay on, no bottoming out. It's an absolutely...
  15. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Figured out our gas spring forces using this crude method. Gets me in the ballpark. Camper is officially lockable now. Took a break to check for leaks. The wifey inside watching for drips. Test went awesome, nothing leaking at all on the top box. Back to insulating. Just a couple...
  16. Andrew_S

    My Camping / Rooftop Tent Trailer Build

    Awesome build thread. Just wanted to say thanks for posting all the info about the actuators. You've definitely inspired me to stray away from gas springs and go this route!
  17. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    I mounted a plate to the very front to support the cab over portion of the camper better, and potentially for gas springs as well. The intent is to bolt the lights to it, not through the sheeting. I shared the same concern about putting them up front and the 3.4 running hot but I never noticed a...
  18. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Well as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men... Yesterday was an extremely frustrating day. We tried to put both the side windows in and proceeded to mess up the placement of not one, but both of them... So they wouldn't lay perfectly flat. Glazing tape isn't the most forgiving...
  19. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    We got a nice little storm followed by a rainbow. Test fitting the canoe and coming up with creative solutions for tie downs and slides for it. Finalizing the top box. Pretty stressful moment. Main gasket installed Need some tape for the windows before I can final install them. A...
  20. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Quick update, been busy. Took a quick road trip out to the coast. I can never get out over the size of the slugs. Salmon berries are out. Pretty innovative ladder to the rack! Took the scenic route home So cool to see the little baby bighorn rams Camper updates, been real...