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  1. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Got a bit more time into it this afternoon, Threw the canoe on just to get an idea for tie-downs and how everything will be supported. Plated off the two end tubes and got everything ready for the flip up walls. Fit, Fit, and then fit again, Picked up some bullet hinges, tacked them...
  2. Andrew_S

    Everlanders Build - F550 Composite Overlander

    Awesome build. The wife and I have been watching your youtube series for awhile now. Love the quality and innovation.
  3. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^ The seals /gaskets are what took me the most time to figure out. I'll be using a p section bulb seal all along the bottom of the pop top. That combined with a couple of latches to hold everything tight in the up and down position. My back was feeling a little better today so I got some more...
  4. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Now back to the camper. Originally I was planning to draw the entire thing up in Civ3d or solid works down to every single cut and rivot. A year later and I never did that, so I just went the easy route. I've just been making very primitive sketches and thoroughly thinking through the design...
  5. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Thank you, I really appreciate it. That is like a time capsule, very cool. I feel like if I went the heavy truck camper route I would probably want the dually. So cheap, probably wouldn't take more then a couple hundred to get it back on the road. There are a couple companies offering large...
  6. Andrew_S

    ITTOG's Truck Camper Build (was 6' x 12' Trailer Conversion)

    Awesome progress. I'll definitely be following your build for inspiration. What material are you planning on using to skin the exterior with? What are you doing for windows if any?
  7. Andrew_S

    ITTOG's Truck Camper Build (was 6' x 12' Trailer Conversion)

    That scale model was a stroke of genius. That's the hardest part about something one off like this, visualizing. Man I was just shaking my heads at the quality of construction of that trailer. What a shame. I've got to say any of the specialty "overland" campers I've seen lately, seem to be...
  8. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Thanks Chilli, I believe I still owe you a beer next time you come through town. OBD 1 tuning has become really difficult to come by it seems. I've been trying to figure out an aftermarket ECM/crank trigger combination that'll work together. I've looked at fuel tech, mega squirt, haltech and...
  9. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Went for a hike looking for some morels in a burn area from last year. No mushrooms but a hell of a view. Spotted this wicked rig in a guys front yard. Talk about some awesome inspiration. We were checking out twin lakes and came to a narrow washed out section of road that was off...
  10. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    I thought I had posted something about it maybe I didn't? It's just a Chinese hurricane I picked up off a guy locally for $150. I may upgrade it to a precision when the time comes but for now it will at-least get me mocked up. It's a .70 compressor and .63 turbine. Need a few more pieces and...
  11. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Another day shed hunting. Stumbled across this incredible pine. Looked like it was struck by lightning and only the middle was still growing. Another cool little tree. Over corrected a bit to much. No sheds but Nicole found this nice little havalon knife. We've been making a habit of...
  12. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    We've been spending a bit of time out looking for sheds lately. Found this great little forest that's burnt and a lot of trees have been completely debarked by woodpeckers even though they are currently still alive. 2' thick piles of park at the trunks. Stumbled onto this great campsite only...
  13. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^ that's amazing about the celebrity. I totally grew up in an 80's celebrity. Would love to see some pics of it all set up for auto cross. Thanks for the good words. Glad to hear someone else is enjoying these posts. Ok well I finally just got to the end of helping out a few buddies with all...
  14. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    There is something truly relaxing about isolation. Got the eiger out for a rip. Pretty tough conditions for walking. 60cm of snow with slush underneath. We made it happen though. Had a super nice perch lunch the day we left. Night fishing with a real good buddy from high school...
  15. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Also got some stuff in the mail. I've had to pull a number of people out of ************ spots this year and every time I did I found myself wishing I had a kinetic recovery rope. I finally pulled the trigger and picked up this deal. If I'm remembering correctly it's rated for 38,000 lbs and I also...
  16. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    We managed to get out just before a storm was blowing in and the bite was on. Soft packed snow roads are some hard lessons learned. Fortunately we've got enough gear that I don't worry as much now.
  17. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Just wanted to add the truck stops on a dime now compared to before. Previously you had the pedal to the floor and the tires would just start to lock up. Night and day difference from before. now moving on, I apologize this isn't the best representation of the quad kc's but holy smokes these...
  18. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    ^ thanks for the great suggestion. I will almost definitely go that route over the stock slap reducer. Been a long minute. A lot has happened. Here are some pics. The old girl took a beating last year and the last of the old components and some of the new ones were showing some wear. New...
  19. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Worst part is we have some but just never bring them with us... I might entirely disagree. That up north trip was the thing dreams are made of. Some packages arrived this week. The first one is a mix of that new engine build, some maintenance parts, and the new big brake upgrade. Rod &...
  20. Andrew_S

    ejs262's Suburban(s?)!

    Holy ******** I'm so glad you mentioned this. Just read your entire build and thoroughly enjoyed it. If there is one thing I love more then a square body it's a two-tone square body. What a friggin beautiful suburban. That road trip, gahhh. The scale of what you did is crazy when you look at the...