Search results

  1. Ron B

    Warn 9.5ti in multi-mount

    a friend of mine sold his H2 a few years back. He held onto this winch thinking he might use it...and never did. So, it is a Warn 9.5ti in a multi mount with 125 ft of cable that has never been used and has been collecting dust in his garage for 5 years. a description...
  2. Ron B

    OshKosh Vehicles Racing Baja 1000

    I am good friends with Mike Sabaresse and he said the same thing -- he mentioned that riding in it was like sitting on his sofa at home playing a video game. Wish I could have seen it, looks great in the pics. Good job finishing! rb
  3. Ron B

    SAS or no?

    you could be right, but I would imagine pretty much everyone who ventures into the dirt has seen this video many times because every time there is talk of hummers or ifs this video is posted. Yes, it's probably the most common thing to go in an ifs rig but still fairly rare and a simple fix...
  4. Ron B

    SAS or no?

    nicely done -- posting an 8 yr old video we have all seen a thousand times proving that gm ifs shouldn't leave the mall parking lot. Too much skinny pedal, 35's, a decent traction control system and an under-sized off the shelf tie-rod will do that sometimes. Yep a bummer for sure but a...
  5. Ron B

    Snorkel pre-cleaner-$20+shipping

    looks like a good deal -- I will go measure to see if it will fit my truck. here is some info on the precleaners:
  6. Ron B

    OshKosh Vehicles Racing Baja 1000

    yeah, they aren't gonna push a one of a kind test vehicle. They were never in it to compete, they just wanna finish. But they still might get best in their class!
  7. Ron B

    OshKosh Vehicles Racing Baja 1000

    my mechanic helped race prep it and is driving it. He says it is pretty awesome and HUGE. The suspension is computer controlled and changes/reacts to the terrain. It is a test vehicle, I don't believe that Oshkosh is getting into racing. A special class was invented so it could participate.
  8. Ron B

    Will the G-wagen float....?

    My post was made on my phone so I didn't notice the motor on the spare. Nearly pee'd myself when I saw it on my laptop!
  9. Ron B

    Will the G-wagen float....?

    I think most any vehicle will "float" for a short period. But floating is usually bad, right? I'd want to keep the tires contacting the bottom for traction otherwise, for the short time you may be "floating", you might be pushed sideways down the river/lake/wherever by the current instead of...
  10. Ron B


    this will be a fun thread to watch as I have just used a dslr for the first time as the main camera on a pilot (I am a camera/steadicam operator in LA). It's hard going from the bigger more user friendly (and more massive) production cameras to the dslr but they have their place and perform...
  11. Ron B

    Question about buying an Hummer H1

    I have had my 97.5 open top for 6 years and it still makes me smile every time I get in it. 97.5 is when the newer hvac was put in as well as some other goodies. Most see the 97.5 and '98 and the best yrs for wheeling and simplicity because of the older high bias ratio diffs (the btm works...
  12. Ron B

    nice G WAGON

    what is the biggest tire/lift combo that can go on a G (without getting ridiculous)? I didn't notice the tire clearance issues, I was blinded with the shock and awe of actually seeing one in the States with out chrome and looking like it was used off road!
  13. Ron B

    nice G WAGON

    what a nice truck -- I have never seen one kitted out like that before. Most here in So Cal (actually all it seems like) are pretty blinged out and driven by rappers (no offense to any and all rappers on this forum!). rb
  14. Ron B

    Onboard air

    I've had a Viair 480C in my engine compartment for almost 5 years now. Knock on wood the thing still fills my 5 gal tank to 200 psi several times every day I wheel the truck (it'll fill the tank to 200 psi in under 3 min). I have the pump's intake plumbed into the truck's air intake so it...
  15. Ron B

    Who wants CTIS?

    I have never heard any concern over that -- I have run mostly swampers on my truck (running 39.5 iroks now). Most I know run irok radials, pj's or pro comps and have had no issues.
  16. Ron B

    Who wants CTIS?

    funny -- I ditched my runflats as well. I don't plan on getting shot at while wheeling, and they are heavy...about 35 lbs per wheel. I have the double beadlocks like you but on the 12 bolt steelies you see on humvees.
  17. Ron B

    Who wants CTIS?

    nice set up, and nice rims -- they are rare. Only a small batch made by Hutchinson several years ago. rb
  18. Ron B

    My WIDE Full Size Expedition Vehicle... 2003 H1

    everyone thinks they are so expensive -- not when you buy used. It's no Honda, but it's no Ferrari either. No hate here -- except for GM.
  19. Ron B

    What's the burliest trail/obstacle you've overcome in your full size?

    here's a picture of my friend on Fordyce last year. He led a group of 7 hummers through Pritchett Canyon in Moab a few years ago -- lots of pucker. Our group usually wheels in the Big Bear/Arrowhead. The red truck is me near 2N17X/Sliverwood Lake clowning around.
  20. Ron B

    once again, rumors of new Jeep pickup

    wow that is sweet!