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  1. mep1811

    Trailer light problems

    Go back and check the wiring. I can't see how having extra braking illumination a determent. Since the running lights have a dual filament that might be their function. How do the blinkers work?
  2. mep1811

    Rear Seat Delete seatbelt warning system defeat....
  3. mep1811

    How to keep cast iron cookware from flogging your gear off road?

    Towels are very cheap and durable. You can wrap in a towel around the skillet and griddle and store in your kitchen box.
  4. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page
  5. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page
  6. mep1811

    Unwanted rear sag - Towing Teardrop with 4th Gen 4Runner

    Heavier rear springs are in order. You can try airbags but new springs would be better.
  7. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    You need to look in the compartment opposite the kitchen drawer to see if your Truma has an electrical wire. The instructions should tell you as well.
  8. mep1811

    Range in the Outback

    Scott Brady is doing a Camino del Diablo trip in an electric (coal) powered Hummer.
  9. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Pro Tip: You can't troubleshoot electrical issues without knowing if there is any power. I highly recommend getting a multimeter. It does not have to be a high-end Fluke. The Harbor Freight unit on the right has worked perfectly for years. They used to be free, now they are less than $10.00...
  10. mep1811

    Carrying extra gasoline with Outback and teardrop

    If you have room on the tongue of your trailer mount a Jerry can bracket .
  11. mep1811

    Pressurize a camper

    It seemed to work well. I never really tested before and after. What I thought would be more dusty was less.
  12. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Mission Overland has the best customer service in the industry. Be sure to check out the MO Face Book page . Lots of great information there.
  13. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    I have not had any issues. I did treat the canvas with Scotchguard as I do to any canvas.
  14. mep1811


    Check out this site.
  15. mep1811

    MIssion Overland Trailer Owners page

    Congrats. Lots of info on this thread as well as the MO FB page.