Sorry to get back to you so late. No suffocation. I liked it, but all of my gear had to be moved to sleep there and my wife thought she was going to die. A shell was always what we wanted. We've had a shell since 2014. I built a platform for it and spent 31 straight days sleeping in it on a...
I have an 2005 SR5 Tundra. None of the Tundras come with lockers. I previously owned a '97 Cherokee with a 5" lift, 33s and a locker. I went anywhere I wanted. I have taken my Tundra through some pretty rough stuff and shocked people that don't understand what a regular 4wheel drive can do...
I too have thrown around the idea of a Power Wagon. The 3/4 ton off-road capable truck is very appealing. I however, really don't like the looks of the 2019 Ram. If I were to get a PW I'd certainly by one slightly used. The 2012-2018 HD Rams look great.
Here ya go. Reasonable miles and price for a Double Cab
here is a reasonable Access Cab
I love mine. It's not perfect, but it really is what I was looking for. I like the "dated" interior. I am not a fan of all the new fangled electronic gadgetry. The DC is very roomy. I took my family of 5 on a 31 day trip to Alaska in 2015. It may not be a Cummins or Powerstroke, but I live...
Good luck with your trip preparations. I will be following this with excitement and jealousy. Not that any of us are world travelers so our advice is only worth $.02, but I echo what has already been said. I would choose suspension parts that are more available world wide like OME.
We camp in a 17 ft Jayco Kiwi high bred trailer. Being 17 ft long closed up makes it easy to tow, and it fold out to have a queen and double beds. The dinette also turns in to a queen bed. We tow it with an '05 Tundra and it is relatively easy. I long for a light pop up camper, but this has...
Here is a video of a Ram 2500 driving Black Bear. It should be doable in your Tundra. I'm interested in doing it in my Tundra too. Let us know how it goes.
The issue turned out to be a bad bushing in the new control arm. It actually allowed the control arm rear mount to shift. I finally saw it in action. My control arm was replaced for free and counted myself lucky and paid to have it reinstalled. I also found that the assembly nuts on top of...
Your pictures aren’t working so I assume you have an access cab. Sell it. Buy a double cab. Figure out how to fit both bikes where the backseat is. Put your flip pack on it, and build it out the way you want.
I'm running stock springs and Bilstein 5100's up front. In the rear I have generic add-a-leafs from the local spring shop and Toytech shocks. Could tell a huge difference when I put on the Toytechs. I really like how how it rides. It is a little stiff, but the rear bottomed out a lot before. Here is the link to your add. I wish I had the money. I'd love to have a flip pac on my Tundra.
I have really toyed with the Idea of a power wagon. When I bought my Tundra they did not make a true 4 door PW. I have three kids and we needed the room.
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