I drive a 2005 Tundra with the 4.7. It isn't a powerstroke, but it tows alright. I really enjoy the decent sized bed and interior space
and it is still off-roadable.
Not that I would ever do this on a regular basis or very far, but we were evacuating a forest fire and a friend needed...
Read this. http://news.pickuptrucks.com/2017/07/2017-chevrolet-colorado-zr2-vs-2017-toyota-tacoma-trd-pro.html If you want the Colorado get it and enjoy.
I have a steering issue I need to have help diagnosing. When I turn left, i feel a slight clunk. Then when I turn back to straight, the steering wheel does not center, it is turned slightly left. If I'm stopped, I turn the steering wheel all the way to the right and feel another clunk. Then...
Goblin Valley/Little Wild Horse/Horseshoe Canyon
I had Friday off of work, so I took two of my kids my brother and his daughter and went to central Utah to do some camping and hiking. I made reservations at Goblin Valley State Park. I have my truck set up to sleep in and I have set up my M416...
If that's what your looking for then what I've suggested would work. To do a night or two on the white rim get on their website and get a reservation now. The few campsites get reserved early in the year.
Beef Basin is a long way from Moab. Like close to three hours, then looking around and then back your better off making Beef Basin an over nighter. I'm not telling not to go just know what your getting into. The whole drive is beautiful. White Rim is over 80 miles of slow bumpy offroad...
I had an accident in my Tundra almost three years ago. A car hit me in the driver side front tire. The impact bent my lower control arm. The awesome repair shop installed salvage yard parts, to save the insurance company money. So last week I paid to have a new control arm installed because...
I already have reservations for Gobblin Valley for President's Day. We plan to hilke Horseshoe Canyon that weekend too.
Then Easter weekend we have reservations in Capitol Reef National Park. We haven't really been to CRNP so we will explore and make plans to return.
I love to be a tour guide. Come and I'll show you around. This link is an expedition Utah trip I guided. Bring the Tundra. My old Cherokee would have kept up with your '87 Runner, but it has gone away.
I'm back continues
This next set starts with us loaded up for a trip to Flaming Gorge in June. We took the paddle board but never got it on the water. We took the kids through the dam and floated the Green River.
Then I took two of my kids on a fishing trip on Boulder Mt. in early August...
I'm back
I am on Expedition portal all the time, but I have neglected this thread. I have tired of trying to do trip reports, so I think that I will add pictures of trips here. The last few things that I have posted about the Tundra were mostly about repairs that I was tired of making. The...
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