Search results

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    Trail Outfitters New Expedition Rig...Toyota 4X4 Chinook

    Nook,your rigs are amazing. Thanks for posting pics of something I will never have,or at least not as nice and with excellent craftmanship.
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    Bald Eagle State Forest eXpo. Lots a pics!

    looks like a great place,how often do you guys go there. This is a lot closer to me and possible doable.
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    Overland Expo: Official Daily Update Thread

    That thing looks like a pig,I mean a real pig like the animal
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    1987 toyota bandit,

    Yes all I want is the back part,that is made by Bandit. I emailed the guy for his number.; Thanks James
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    1987 toyota bandit,

    I found it in N.Y. The guy wants $4500 for it. It has high milage and a new head and timing chain. It also has a little bit of rust on hood and bottom of doors. I was thinking I could put the camper on my Troopie. But I would have to cut the top off and the sides.
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    1987 toyota bandit,

    Would any of you know what it would take to turn this toyota into a 4 wheel drive unit. It has the 22re engine and tranny. It is a single axel.
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    Repost of my RHD troopie for sale

    Dave, I did not go but I am going tomorrow morning,will give you a call and let you know what I think. Regards James
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    Sometimes being Right is just WRONG. He gave me very helpfull info and actually called me,that says a lot about the mettle of a man.
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    Thanks Thanks Dave for all the help,I checked out the site you mentioned and saw the exact same vehicles. I will let you know if I buy the one here or the one out west. Got to take some measurements tomorrow,looking foward to viewing the van LIVE. Thanks again James
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    Yea,and it would be the first thing I remove. Have to check if there are any counter balance concerns. So far no real help here, bettter go to Ih8mud to get some real help.
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    Repost of my RHD troopie for sale

    I am dropping the price by thousands, I would like 10,000 for my cruiser.Here are some pics. I am buying a van for expedition traveling as the troopie is to small. Please call me if interested. James 1 631 363 2428 It has many new parts in it including a 5speed and fj60 transfercase,no...
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    Whats the story. Going up to see the one in N.Y friday,and am taking some cash. Does any one know whats up with these vans, it seems like a no brainer to me. I will sell my landcruiser after I buy this van. Please get back to me if you have any info regarding these vans. Thanks James 1 631...
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    someone may appreciate this.

    Here is my Arkana
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    toyota plaques

    Yes,you can paypal me at Thanks James
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    toyota plaques

    Have a few of these left if any body wants one. They are $5 shipped. You can email me or contact me here.
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    1978 fj45 troopie arkana camper

    Camper Forgot to mention it is RHD.
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    1978 fj45 troopie arkana camper

    This is a gas model. It has a rebuilt engine and lots of extras,to include front winch,bullbar,jerrycan holders,fishing rod holders,gigantic rack with front inclosed box,side awning,rear attachable tent,inside safe,inside cabinets,inside bed that opens up to almost a double,propane...