
Whats the story.

I've seen em too... There's a story here.

Going up to see the one in N.Y friday,and am taking some cash. Does any one know whats up with these vans, it seems like a no brainer to me. I will sell my landcruiser after I buy this van. Please get back to me if you have any info regarding these vans.

1 631 363 2428


I thought the white ones looked familiar because they are the "poor cousins" of the black ones which even had run-flat tires and other special touches. They were all Federally purchased for various radio-related programs. Nothing to see here, move along now...:sombrero:

PS: later programs favored Chevy Suburbans. Look at page 19 here: http://www.spawar.navy.mil/sti/publications/pubs/td/3105/td3105.pdf

key words tiger and wall

Black Suburbans
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Yea,and it would be the first thing I remove. Have to check if there are any counter balance concerns. So far no real help here, bettter go to Ih8mud to get some real help.

the masts are pneumatic and not meant to haul 100's of pounds, but directional surveillance antennas, small dish antennas for short microwave hops, cameras and so on are absolutely no problem

the vans have built in jacks to prevent toppling over. Spotted the "Warning Jacks Down" light in the panels
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Going up to see the one in N.Y friday,and am taking some cash. Does any one know whats up with these vans, it seems like a no brainer to me. I will sell my landcruiser after I buy this van. Please get back to me if you have any info regarding these vans.

1 631 363 2428

James- I tried to call you and left you a message. These chaser vans are everywhere. I used to work for a company that built these (Frontline Communications) in Clearwater Fla. They would come to us with no miles and we would put all of the rf equipment as well as masts in them. Is what happens is these big news companies like ( ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN) keeps these for a year and then pulls out what equipment they need and sells them off. You mostly seem them at the end of the year or the begining of the new years when they get their funds for buying new vans and equipment. So basiclly they just drive them for a year with easy miles and then pull out what they need and then just sell tons of these off. These van are usually in great condition. Hope this helped ya a bit.....



James- I tried to call you and left you a message. These chaser vans are everywhere. I used to work for a company that built these (Frontline Communications) in Clearwater Fla. They would come to us with no miles and we would put all of the rf equipment as well as masts in them. Is what happens is these big news companies like ( ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN) keeps these for a year and then pulls out what equipment they need and sells them off. You mostly seem them at the end of the year or the begining of the new years when they get their funds for buying new vans and equipment. So basiclly they just drive them for a year with easy miles and then pull out what they need and then just sell tons of these off. These van are usually in great condition. Hope this helped ya a bit.....


Except these were for the Federal government, not newscasters and made by


Radio Frequency Interference Monitoring System (RFIMS) Vans (Catalog #10000-006)
Contract: NTIA, US Department of Commerce, Boulder, CO; 9/96-8/98

NTIA required eleven radio frequency interference monitoring vans. EMI procured Ford E350 extra long body Econoline vans. To allow additional head room on the interior, EMI modified the vans by fabricating an 18-inch high roof bumpout on the forward portion of the van. The rear roof is reinforced for walking surface and customer-furnished antenna mounting. An interior operator compartment is furnished with equipment racks and writing surfaces. The area behind the racks houses A/C and heating equipment, generator, cable reel and antenna mast.

Pix plate in the eBay auction


Just the facts..... :victory:

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