Search results

  1. Ron B

    Best domestic full-size diesel truck?

    here's an interesting "pull-off" -- cumminings vrs power-stroke rb
  2. Ron B

    Another narrow, aggressive tire

    I was running swamper 38x12.5 tsl-sx for a year and was pretty happy with them -- I almost had to wear headphones to hear the radio and an intercom to talk to the passenger. Loud on the road, but great offroad. They were heavy, but balanced and wore fine...but literally fell apart on the hwy...
  3. Ron B

    Offroad teardrop?

    looks like an hd version of the T@B trailers both are pretty cool. rb
  4. Ron B

    Volkswagen Touareg off road capability?

    I agree, weight doesn't make a vehicle less capable -- I was just shocked at how heavy it is (I looked it up after starting to read this thread). Ron B
  5. Ron B

    Volkswagen Touareg off road capability?

    it's heavy too -- it's curb wt is just shy of 6000 lbs (my hummer has a 6600 lb curb wt). ron b
  6. Ron B

    Scepter Jerry Cans

    I could not get the company I bought my scepters from (they are in CA!) to send them to me in Los Angeles. I had them sent to a relative in AZ, then sent back to me. Does Pangaea sell to CA? I bough 4, and one leaks a bit like the above photo. I hear you can send it back and exchange...
  7. Ron B

    Hiking Boot Recomendations

    I had the same Raichle's from REI -- a good boot. Upgraded to La Sportiva glaciers, and they still tore my feet up after trying to break them in for 6 months. Exchanged them for some Aku's (the Utah Lite GTX) and climbed Whitney a week later in comfort. I'm sold...
  8. Ron B

    side angle specifications ...

    copy that on the clean undies! Ron
  9. Ron B

    side angle specifications ...

    I've never seen a published side angle stat that severe -- not that it won't handle it, but I've been at 45+ a few times in my h1 and it's a serious angle that I couldn't imagine too many stock vehicles doing (just considering my low center of gravity and wide wheelbase). Most manufacturers...
  10. Ron B

    Just begging for a wisecrack . . .

    I am no pro on the LR, but isn't the auto tranny and gas engine required here in the US, but options everywhere else? Looks like with these two options, your against list shrinks considerably. Like Mr Jackson, I wouldn't let a dealer touch my truck either (most hummer dealers wouldn't know...
  11. Ron B

    Just begging for a wisecrack . . .

    I'm so used to people dissing my ride (old-school hummer) that it's mildly entertaining to see another make getting dumped on! But in all seriousness... even with their deficiencies, a LR 110 or 90 are about the only trucks that still turn my head whether on the road or the trails. I'm sure...
  12. Ron B

    Dream Expedition vehicle

    seriously...I've never seen anything like that! Pretty cool -- I thought my truck was too wide. There's some great stuff on their site -- including some used vehicles. If only I had an extra $500k laying around. It looks like this is how one avoids certain death while changing a tire... rb
  13. Ron B

    Dream Expedition vehicle

    okay...that's just about the coolest thing I've seen in a while...after this! ron b
  14. Ron B

    baja 1000 "prerun" oct 21-22

    sounds like alot of fun. Some friends have a race truck and do the race every year, I'd love to go sometime, and especially pre-run it! I've heard the course is in really bad shape so it will be a challenge to get through. I'm unfortunately working this weekend so I'm missing 2 things --...
  15. Ron B

    Snorkel Wars

    speaking of high risk water crossings...check out this fj! ron b
  16. Ron B

    Coolest LC I have seen in US

    I always loved the Dakar logo on the side. Pretty cool. rb
  17. Ron B

    2N17X Saturday 9/16

    I like it the way it is too, it does very well offroad and is extremely stable in sideways situations. However, with the long wheelbase (130 inches) the break-over leaves a bit to be desired. That's the one weaknes I've encountered -- leads to alot of high centering and belly-dragging. It's...