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  1. Ron B

    FrontRunner G-Wagens: The ultimate expedition G

    excellent point. There's also an endless supply of aftermarket equipment for the jeep. Interesting looking at the stats of the two trucks and how close they are to each other (either one I'd love to have btw). Funny, the jeep is the same length and height as my hummer, and a foot narrower...
  2. Ron B

    Ideal Tire Size for a G-wagon

    I think the g-wagon folk here said once that 35" was the biggest one could put on. I'm guessing that is with a lift, as you said there is not a lot of room in the wells (still looks like it will rub from the one I saw with 35's). I'd still like to wheel with one and check it out. rb
  3. Ron B

    Combat 4x4...

    no worries. GM has been on h1 owners' ********-list since the h2 came out.
  4. Ron B

    Humvee Command Vehicle

    that's pretty much what I'd expect from any 15 year old (or more?) cargo truck that had been beat on by teenagers in the boonies. The 6.2 na humvee (having only 150hp and a 3 speed) has never been known to move on the road...especially a poorly maintained aged one. Many I know with them use...
  5. Ron B

    Combat 4x4...

    GM has nothing to do with the military humvee, that's AM General (well...the crappy engines are GM). What we now know as the H1 used to be called the Hummer -- which was basically a dot approved humvee with more comfy interior, ac, and steel doors. GM leased the name in the late 90's and took...
  6. Ron B

    Humvee command vehicle

    the radio controlled one will be much cheaper to maintain!! I like the hummer/humvee to run trails and do rock crawling...someday I'd love a landie 110 to cruise the world in. A friend I wheel with has a hummer alpha (d-max) a d-90 and a 110. He'd be a great guy to get unbiased comparisons...
  7. Ron B

    Humvee command vehicle

    forgot to add that with that ambulance top and loaded up you'd probably be approaching 9,000 lbs. here's a fun time lapse of a wagon to ambulance/camper conversion:
  8. Ron B

    Humvee command vehicle

    You are right, that truck as it sits will not be reliable...but if restored to proper working order and updated as many trucks here are, I think a humvee would be fine anywhere. Especially in North America where parts are easy to come by. They are easy to fix, and a well maintained truck is...
  9. Ron B

    Humvee command vehicle

    maybe look at a civi version and put an ambulance body or Helmet top on it? Humvees can be difficult to register and are missing a lot of the comforts/safety features we all take for ac, padded dash, 24v instead of 12v, cruising over 60 mph, etc... This truck has the...
  10. Ron B

    Roll cages, your views

    Another reason I got these was the issue of flammability, and figured I'd need some zip-tying so I already bought a bag from the hardware store (it's a trail-truck so it's always function over form anyway). A good idea about the fabric covers. I do not have a 5 point harness system in place...
  11. Ron B

    Roll cages, your views

    thanks for the fast feedback -- I agree with you about being safer. I've been on-line reading about testing and there are many comparisons to the plastic in auto interiors. I think I'll go ahead and put it in and maybe soften up the sections I'm more likely to hit with the thin foam padding I...
  12. Ron B

    Roll cages, your views

    I put a cage in my hummer last June (been out of town for almost a year working, now I'm back and addressing the padding issue). I bought the half circle sfi-rated's waaaay harder than I thought it would be. I know it's really designed for impact with a helmet, but it will be...
  13. Ron B

    Why hood blackouts?

    I'm in the 1% as well I guess...I've been meaning to do it for a while. The sun can really be blinding when reflected off my ginormous flat hood during mid-day hill climbs. Almost drove off a cliff once because I couldn't see! I think blacking out a hood is at least a bit more functional...
  14. Ron B

    End of the world

    that is what I have found with digi gauges and their accuracy -- plus more features in a smaller package (I don't want my dash to look like a 747 cockpit). I agree with you about winging it as well. Originally I was against anything that required, not so much. rb
  15. Ron B

    End of the world

    I wanted to keep it simple and easy to fix. The touch screen sounds way cool, though it's the kind of electronic complexity (electrickery?) that I'm trying to stay away from. I didn't even want a digital gauge but had to use it because of space and durability. At first there were no...
  16. Ron B

    End of the world

    here are two links with a bunch of pics: I've been out of town working since last July so not too much has happened this year. rb
  17. Ron B

    End of the world

    I like it, but with any project like this it's a work in progress. I cannot admit to the fact that it is any good in off-camber situations (let alone anything) or Gurkha will accuse me of lying:)! I have a build thread somewhere. If you are interested I'll pm the link to you. Didn't want...
  18. Ron B

    End of the world

    I have each bag controlled by it's own pneumatic paddle switch and monitored by a gauge that shows all four corners as well as the tank pressure. Sure is alot smoother on dirts roads and the hwy. I tried to keep it as simple as a system like this would allow me. rb
  19. Ron B

    End of the world

    I considered this when converting my truck to all bags. Thought it might not be a good idea on steep side-slope situations unless, as previously mentioned, there was a way to defeat it. But I was trying to keep it simple and use as little "electrickery" (love that term!) as possible so there...
  20. Ron B

    Northwest Passage Drive Expedition 2009

    you might be talking about ball-joint failure, the spindles rarely go. Routine maintenance will solve that -- a cheap part too, not sure why people don't change them often with such a heavy truck?!. I bet the tracks put a crazy amount of stress on the steering/suspension components. Hope all...