Search results

  1. T

    Montero owners near Virginia up for a trail run?

    Heh, wish I had the time for a three day excursion. Unfortunately I'm in the concrete industry. Work for me is going to triple starting March.
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    Montero owners near Virginia up for a trail run?

    I'm in Virginia Beach and might be up for something like that. Though I should mention that most of my off road experience is mudding around on a friends farm when I lived back up in Maryland. Not to mention the snow storms from hell last year and the year before, so nothing too extreme lol.
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    Bouncy Seats...

    Is this like the air-ride seats in 18 wheelers? Got a link to where they sell/describe them?
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    Stereo installed now no dash lights...crap

    Could there be another fuse in the power line that wouldn't be in the fuze blocks? Only thing I can think of.
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    Valve guide seals

    Well at 216k miles my 96 sr has started to blow a fair bit of blue smoke. I figure its the seals considering the mileage and the symptoms. I've read a bit about them failing prematurely, however I have not seen any one do a walkthrough on replacing them. My FSM isn't really being much help here...
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    4WD Sticking ... HELP!

    How many times have you cycled the 4wd? Mine was sticking a little (9 out of 10 times it wouldn't smoothly disengage) and I had to cycle it for about 2 hours total time before I got it down to 9 in 10 times of smooth disengagement. If its really sticking badly I would drive forward and put it in...
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    Stereo installed now no dash lights...crap

    I know, electrical gremlins suck. I'd try removing the non-speaker related wires one by one till either they are all out or the dash lights come back on. There is the rare chance that a wire might be mislabeled or that you misread the coding. When I replaced my head unit I screwed up the power...
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    Stereo installed now no dash lights...crap

    I think the second illumination wire you saw was a dimmer wire, if you put them both in the same clump it will short out your dash lights. Just remove the dimmer wire, use less thing imho, all it does is dim the head unit when your headlights go on.
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    Gen 2 Monty Transfer Case Question

    I remember someone saying that it was limited slip with a ratio of 30:70 front rear, though I could be wrong.
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    Axle noises

    Well one of the brake lines dry rotted and the caliper ground right through the rotor and into the hub assembly. Apparently ate through the brake so quickly the warning squeal only lasted for an hour or so. Any way new brake lines and new brakes are on the way.
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    Axle noises

    Yea I'll probably take it in tomorrow, was half hoping someone could save me the trip, but I guess I'll get an answer then. Will post results for the curious.
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    Axle noises

    Recently my monty has been making a grinding noise, I haven't had the time to pinpoint it exactly, however from the drivers seat it is a low rumble/grind that is coming from the rear of the vehicle. The noise and vibrations are uncannily similar to driving down a gravel road, in fact when...
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    Install tips???

    Nice job. The intake looks fine besides, if it isn't above the roofline then how are you supposed to submerge the vehicle entirely?
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    4 wheel light on gen 2.5

    To get it out of 4H you have to shift into reverse and back up, gaining a little momentum (around 5 mph), then shift it to neutral and pop the 4wd stick to 2H, it should disengage within a few seconds. The problem is from people who don't use the four wheel drive system for a long time and it...
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    Gen II Montero Stereo Nonsense

    Ok update. I got a stereo deck and an adapter. The adapter said for 1992 up, presumably to present. I got the wiring done and stereo hooked up in around an hour, but the trim was too small so it took an extra two hours of carefully filing it down to fit around the face of the deck. The system os...
  16. T

    Gen II Montero Stereo Nonsense

    By factory wiring harness adaptor you mean this? Sorry for the ad, but it came with the picture. The speaker wires are already bundled together in a white clip that looks exactly like the one in the picture. Each side of the clip, left and right, having seven terminals, 3 on top and 4 on bottom...
  17. T

    Gen II Montero Stereo Nonsense

    Recently my monty's stereo ("type 2" double DIN) has stopped working, though not completely, i.e. the lcd screen has died, several buttons have stopped working and its always stuck "on". The stereo has been in the truck since purchase and it has been slowly failing bit by bit. The stealership...
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    Removing the dash of a Gen II

    Recently my fog lights have died. I tested the bulbs and the ground. They are fine so its either the switch or something else in the wiring. The fog lights were aftermarket to begin with, so the dealership doesn't have wiring diagrams for them. I have been tracing the wires back and have gotten...
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    Me and my Gen II say hi... and ask a ton of stuff.

    My reason for considering having a shop to do it is that I have no clue what the fuzz I'm doing. I have read a lot and can sometimes sound like I know what I am doing, but make no mistake, the most complicated thing I have ever done is change the oil filter. If I knew someone who knew what they...
  20. T

    Me and my Gen II say hi... and ask a ton of stuff.

    I have been lurking here for a bit and have decided to join in on the discussions. I drive a 96 Montero SR. Coming up on the big 200k soon :wings: Anyway I have a ton of questions and who knows maybe an answer or two. There is a severe lack of monty information support out there and a lot of it...