Search results

  1. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    Still available. The previous buyer realized they wouldn't fit his vehicle.
  2. bigreen505

    Stolenheron's 04 D2 thread
  3. bigreen505

    Great Divide 25th anniversary

    I'm curious what the new route is without Rollins Pass.
  4. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    No pictures, but I can take some. How do I find the build date?
  5. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    I have had some interest in splitting up the tires, so if someone is interested in the two new new tires I will sell those separately.
  6. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    Bump. I'm back in town from travels. Who wants these? If you PM'd before and are still interested let me know. A couple deals fell through.
  7. bigreen505


    Luna Sandals might be worth a look, in a DIY kit so they are custom sized for you.
  8. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    Hi Tank5, I will be at Overland Expo, but wasn't planning on bringing a vehicle big enough to fit them in. If that changes or I have room, I'll let you know.
  9. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    If someone only wants two you can have the other four, but otherwise I would rather sell them as a set.
  10. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    $100 price drop, I need these gone.
  11. bigreen505

    Six 285/75-16 Goodyear MT/R - previous generation

    I have six last generation Goodyear MT/R tires from a project that never happened. Two tires are new, four tires have 11,000 miles on them. Selling because I need a different size for my current vehicle, otherwise I would keep them. Having used both these tires and the new ones, I prefer the old...
  12. bigreen505

    At what point to do you give up on a D1? Can they be made reliable?

    This is all solid advice, though on a D1 I would amend it to say stick with the 245 and keep your life simple until the truck won't get you where you want to go. There are two other shops which are worth a phone call. The first is Rob at MIT Automotive in Evergreen, and the second is Brian at...
  13. bigreen505

    Expedition West Tacoma DEPOSIT IN HAND

    I think the issue with this truck is it is completely purpose built -- like an overlanding supercar. Depending on your lifestyle, it's not really a daily driver. It is not the vehicle you are going to take to the store or to the mall, there are better vehicles for those purposes. It is the...
  14. bigreen505

    Disco II owners: What can I do to "desert-proof" my truck?

    +1 to everything posted so far. 265/75-16 is a nice tire size for a Disco2 with a 2" OME lift.
  15. bigreen505

    Discovery I rear built in storage

    There are three Discovery setups that I really like depending on what you need the vehicle to be, and whether or not you need a back seat. Something to consider is how flexible the space needs to be. For example, the cargo space in Scott Brady's Discovery is not particularly flexible, but the...
  16. bigreen505

    Best indy Rover shops in the US ?

    In the Denver, Colo. area there is MIT Automotive ( in Evergreen and British 4x4 ( in Aurora. I would trust either of them completely. There is another independent shop that is tied to the local Rover club, but I would view them as a...
  17. bigreen505

    WTB: Autohome Columbus Variant SM

    I have a fleece sleeping bag liner from REI and that makes a great pad on top of the mattress. It doesn't add a lot of cushion, but enough for me. I think they are using a zipper now. The velcro never really worked for me.
  18. bigreen505

    I want your opinions on the Ecoboost.....

    I think gathering real info about the durability of the EcoBoost engines is a little difficult because the older ones were somewhat inconsistent (some worked, some didn't), and while Ford claims they fixed the problems with the 2013 model, it is too early to tell. Reminds me a little of the...
  19. bigreen505

    I want your opinions on the Ecoboost.....

    Just stick with a V8. The advantages of the Ecoboost engine are more marketing than real. If MPG is a concern, I can tell you that a 2WD Ecoboost F150 in Colorado will get 16-18 if you drive it like nothing matters more than fuel economy. Those numbers are real world from a friend who competed...
  20. bigreen505

    Arb rtt in cold weather??

    Can't comment on the warranty. The knob screws should be inexpensive and may possibly be found locally. McLube can be found at any marine supply shop, probably the same for 303.