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  1. al_burpe

    Hopefully Lost... 2015 JKUR beginner build with mostly used parts

    The white wheels look great. Good call on doing that.
  2. al_burpe

    Best 4Runner Under 8K? late 90s, early 2000s? Here is a decent low mileage one for under $8,000.
  3. al_burpe

    Servicing Ford trucks in Africa, Asia?

    I think finding parts for either a domestic one ton or a Tundra are going to be equally hard in Africa and Asia as neither one are sold on those continents. I am not sure understand what is driving your need to buy a vehicle in the US and ship it overseas vs. buying a vehicle in one of those...
  4. al_burpe

    Which Overland Vehicle and Why?

    I like this suggestion. I had been looking at Highlanders recently though and was surprised that the first gen wasn't that much bigger than the third gen RAV4. I definitely struggle with making a vehicle choice based on what I think I might want to do someday rather than the reality of what I...
  5. al_burpe

    Two adults, a 14-month-old, and small dog get out of the heat trailer ideas?

    I went through this thought process a lot as I have a 3.5 year old and 1.5 year old. My advice is that you wait to make any significant purchases. Kids change so much in the course of a couple years that what works best for you today may not be what works best in two years. Also, adding a...
  6. al_burpe


    The Rad Mini should work great for commuting to work for you. Mine is a single speed and works fine going up the hill to my office. The mini is a 7 speed so you would have access to a lower gear. As others posted, they are heavy so getting them in and out of your trailer is going to be...
  7. al_burpe


    I have the new Rad Runner that I use for commuting to work. I love it for that. I mounted a box on the back to put my briefcase and lunch in. It is great to arrive in my dress clothes and not be all sweaty. It also takes me about half the time as on a traditional bike.
  8. al_burpe

    Ford Expedition advice

    My bike was about $1,400. For where I live, it was the right decision for me. I get to take a bike path most of the way and don't have to ride on the busy streets at 40 MPH in the dead of winter. An ebike doesn't require insurance or registration either, so not as much on going cost as a scooter.
  9. al_burpe

    Ford Expedition advice

    The Expedition got about 14 combined, so not much difference between that and the Sequoia.
  10. al_burpe

    Ford Expedition advice

    Don't laugh, I replaced it with an ebike for the time being. We are making due as a one car family while we save some funds. Our one car for the time being is a Jeep Compass. The plan is to see if we really have a need for two cars. We have gone 2.5 months so far with me commuting on my...
  11. al_burpe

    Ford Expedition advice

    You are probably right. I will say that I really liked the fold flat third row. It was super useful to be able to keep the seats down and be able to easily open them when needed. Had I had the budget, I should have bought a 2nd gen Sequoia.
  12. al_burpe

    Ford Expedition advice

    I thought I would update this after a year and a half of ownership. I had nothing but problems with the Expedition and sold it when the latest issue came up. It needed the rear differential replaced after 4 months and that wasn't because I was doing crazy off road things with it. After a year...
  13. al_burpe

    Comparison shopping: Colorado, Gladiator, Tacoma

    **[emoji481] Pours one out for all the otherwise good vehicles rendered useless by car seats** This. I had to sell my Frontier when our second baby came and we couldn't fit two rear facing seats in the back at the same time.
  14. al_burpe

    New Defender Rage/Hate Thread

    You are right. It appears to be a different vehicle altogether. Another article I read said this cheap version probably won't even be called a Defender.
  15. al_burpe

    New Defender Rage/Hate Thread This came up in my news feed today. Maybe they will make a version that gets back to the more utilitarian roots of the Defender.
  16. al_burpe

    Opinions Solicited......Another Head Scratching Mid Size Truck Choice Thread

    I owned a 2007 Frontier with the Nismo package (now Pro4x) from 2015 to 2018. It had 100,000 when I bought it and sold it with 126,000. The things that went wrong when I owned it are the following: 1. Transmission went out on it. This was a common problem from 2005 to around 2010. I believe...
  17. al_burpe

    Extreme use Earthroamer

    Where I grew up in Idaho, it was advisable to have a cb when driving on logging roads. The road would have the station posted and mile markers painted on the trees. You would call out your mile markers for on coming traffic.
  18. al_burpe

    Custom Ultralight Camper, Seattle

    There is a build thread for it here.
  19. al_burpe

    WTB - Family Aussie Style Caravan

    Here are a couple more sold in the US.