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  1. Ashton

    My Journey

    Thanks for pointing that out. I went and checked in there and it looks like they were just in the midst of transferring files. I'm no computer whiz, so I probably didn't consider that when i was whining. The big post that I was most worried about loosing is there in all it's glory.
  2. Ashton

    Winter camping in the Sierra Nevada

    Yea, it was something else. Most of my team had better set ups, walking in with 80# rucks. I didn't. One, I don't have that much equipment (i'm poor) and two, I never go on hikes with an 80# ruck, unless I'm training for something. I tried to make it through a night with an overstuffed day...
  3. Ashton

    Engineer Pass: Colorado

    Nice video. Do you use any hand held stabilizers and what kinda drone you working with? I'm thinking about putting off new a/v tools till next year, but...
  4. Ashton

    TASTEY 2017- A North Rim of the Grand Canyon... thing

    Completely agree with your statement about imparting feelings on a vehicle when it takes you to amazing places. I've always wanted to see more of the less famous parts of AZ and UT, thanks for the show!
  5. Ashton

    My Journey

    Yea, not sure i'm a fan of this new layout either. hearing that it has a dislike of the new samsung s9's photos disappoints me, a lot of my old picture links no longer work (while others from the same img host do work)... don't know why the tried to fix something that wasn't broken, but I guess...
  6. Ashton

    8 days, 7 Nights and over 600 miles of Off-road across Utah *Very Pic Heavy*

    I've had similar ideas about trip reports, as I really enjoy taking pictures, researching the area and the history of it and putting together a good story. If you end up making this a thing, I'm sure myself and others would love to contribute to a series. May be something regular could come of...
  7. Ashton

    My Journey

    Oh, and last but not least... if you end up in Gila, NM (just down the road) look for Airport Mesa Rd. There is a great boondocking spot at the top of the mesa that looks northwest... great for sunsets and general views. Also, sits right above the valley where my house is. We don't mind people...
  8. Ashton

    My Journey

    Oh, and I wouldn't be a good host if I didn't mention the small colorful (mostly red) trailer on the highway side of the downtown bridge. It serves some of the best mexican food in town (and in the area), ran by two wonderful abulitas (grandmothers). I go there every time I'm home. The torta...
  9. Ashton

    My Journey

    Ooooh, yall are in my home lands! So many wonderful spots there. If you get a chance, go up to the Gila Hot Springs and spend the ridiculously low price to camp there and enjoy their amazing (dog friendly) area. Silver City is a nice little town, great scene 'down town'. The Toad and Tranquil...
  10. Ashton

    Rio Grande Big Bend Exploration

    There is no reason to have any fear of taking a family into this environment, many do it and it is heavily touristy. There is law enforcement around, and it is considered very safe. Women are not at any more risk than males, for any reason, and the people in and around the mexican border and...
  11. Ashton

    Southern Interior of British Columbia

    Being alone in the Canadian wilderness has to be a different sort of alone than any wilderness in America. Even in the Gila Wilderness, I can see light pollution on clear nights from cities and towns a hundred miles away.
  12. Ashton

    Rio Grande Big Bend Exploration

    I remember a great night spent drinking at the Thirsty Goat in Lajitas, cigars and basketball rounded out the evening. I remember watching people play on the golf course there, wacking balls over the river to one of the only international golf holes in the world. Was a great experience, looking...
  13. Ashton

    Lower 48 Adventures: Exploring One State at a Time

    Checking in on your status and seeing if that trip started in Jan 2018 as planned?
  14. Ashton

    From the Mid-West to the Mountains!

    How did your adventure go? More pics? More places? Return back to being a cog piece in the wheel of economics?
  15. Ashton

    Random RIG Shots

    This is near to where I grew up in Dehra Dun!! So awesome, i have never seen a rig from India, let alone so close to a place I love dearly.
  16. Ashton

    "WYOMING OVERLANDING" And other life expeditions!

    Great piece of the American dream and love seeing the hard work of your hands providing a beautiful homestead. Look forward to your adventures!
  17. Ashton

    Morocco - Desert Offroad Trip

    Trip looks wonderful!! Those rigs are such an extreme version of an adventure rig, but I'll bet they get you all kinds of neat places.
  18. Ashton

    Maine to California Death Valley Adventure

    Looks like a wonderful and fun adventure. Heres to hoping you get many more, as none of these should be 'trips of a lifetime' but rather you should have a lifetime of trips!
  19. Ashton

    Upper Muley Twist - Capital Reef NP 3.10.18

    Beautiful country, and looks like a wonderful place for a solitude ride!
  20. Ashton

    Valley of Fire, Nevada Quick Trip

    Great hiking / boondocking thread. Thanks for sharing!