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  1. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    I rigged up a soak tank for when i purchased a cosmolined Russian surplus rifle out of 4 " pvc . Its 4 ft long capped one end and glued a screw cap on the other. so now whenever I shoot corrosive when I get home it goes for a soak... Wait what was I talking about?. Ah yes the tube, cheap simple...
  2. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    So do any of you Glock owners run .22LR conversion ?CLICK 1 CLICK 2
  3. PPCLI_Jim

    $200 5KW Portable Diesel Air Heater

    Nope I dropped it last year, never looked back. A few friends called texted with the "whats up?" but I explained I really dont need it.
  4. PPCLI_Jim

    Gear that works

    MSR STOVES I've had mine +20 yrs ,used on multiple deployments and exercises. Work in almost all weather and environments when combined with multi fuel jetting and wind break. I've used mine from -80c to 50+c sea level to tops of mtns. , mine I generally leave running normal gasoline but have...
  5. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    So I collected all the .22cal stuff I have made for YouTube and put it in a playlist CLICK HERE:unsure:
  6. PPCLI_Jim

    1st gen Trooper 4 cyl any good?

    I have a 88 trooper 4 cyl w auto. I have switched to a carb 32/36 holly and enjoy it,one last mod I really want is a manual trans swap. For online info check johnny5ive or planet isuzu
  7. PPCLI_Jim

    butane below freezing

    Completely agree with you. I've ended up with a few stove types- propane, iso-butane, alcohol, esbits(?) the small bio-fuel, and my whisperlite. Even within each of the various types I have different ones. Some I've made ie. some of the alcohol and biomass, others were inexpensive so I picked up...
  8. PPCLI_Jim

    butane below freezing

    Happy New Year all. To try to head off a bigger urinating match I will state, in cooler weather I swap fron the canister type stoves to my old trusty Whisperlight. It has served me well for better part of 20+ yrs, with minimal care and cleaning they are capable of year round service. I've...
  9. PPCLI_Jim

    butane below freezing

    this shows a safe way of working around the problem. The silicone band would melt before it gets too warm.
  10. PPCLI_Jim

    Stocking stuffers

    Mora Kniv carbon knives back side filed flat and a ferocinioum? rod, along with 20 ft of 550 cord. The assembly
  11. PPCLI_Jim

    One-burner propane stove?

    simple stoves ive played with
  12. PPCLI_Jim

    Troy PAR

    Marlin, Mossberg, Browning, make .308s . You could try a used rifle Savage .300 is a comparable cal all good levers
  13. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    Same here but up in Canadaland. I have got true MOA rifles more than capable of 1km hit and accuracy , I just like how after a bad week of work my friend will challenge me to a game of battleship at 50m. His troubles just melt away, and i have fun just plinking. Much more fun without stressing...
  14. PPCLI_Jim

    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    It is too wishy washy to come out and state we have inalienable right to life and to defend ourselves. That is why WE must keep a force escalation matrix in our minds up here. Simply the act of LOADING a rifle is enough to be thrown in jail. Usually the charges start with insecure ammo or FA...
  15. PPCLI_Jim

    Troy PAR

    I've peeked at them , but I'm really thinking about a BCL 102 . For NR .223 I went with a keltek SU16. But I have a tacti-cooled SKS with WarTak rail on it, which operates as my NR Post Apocalypse Zombies have risen,TEOTWAWKI,WROL [etc etc], or all around its not a good day FA. I did a fair...
  16. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    Yup teach 'em young, learn 'em well. We like em as stress relief , my friend and I. Basically any shape or size can handle one after about age 5 or so, with proper adult supervision.
  17. PPCLI_Jim

    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    It's weird up here in Canadaland, I admit. I have to take the good and bad. As a retired soldier, the thing I learned with military laws "they dont have to make sense to be in the book". I am allowed to be victimized but not able to protect myself to the furthest extent, yup. Canada, thank you...
  18. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    The 10/22 is a great rifle I've had a few of them, but the government up here in Canadaland , PROHIBITED the BX 25 and other "extended "mags for it. When im plinking in the bush or on the range I hate having to reload:mad: . But thats an entirely different thread.:confused:. For semi auto I...
  19. PPCLI_Jim

    Ruger PC Carbine 9mm

    I'ma fan of the sub 2k for this reason, small light and super simple
  20. PPCLI_Jim

    22 BS thread

    Yup ,what a great caliber. Today a friend and I headed up to the local range and had a game of battleship. Shot a whole bunch and all it ran was a box of .22LR . Well 50 rds, as for this stuff I use Federal blue Econo box stuff. Set up at the 25 yd line it doesn't take too long to shoot the game...