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  1. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    Forgot to mention... tried the heater thing... to no avail... no effect... the heater worked like a charm... but no drop in engine temp... again, this is not my first rodeo... or older car... I don't discount the collective knowledge here.. but this just doesn't fit. I am wondering why you...
  2. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    For my own education... can any of you radiator culprit theorists explain how that clears itself after only shutting the engine off for 10-20 seconds? Clogged radiators are... clogged... 10 seconds does not an unclog make... How does the flow test not show a clog? If you remember your fluid...
  3. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    So, rather than just telling me it is a radiator issue, while none of the facts back that up... does no good. Tell me HOW it is a radiator issue... how does a radiator act in a manner consistent with the symptoms... when a collapsing hose fits ALL of the symptoms... and the temporary fix. I am...
  4. Intentional Wanderer

    Ax/Shovel Mount For SD Rack????

    The problem I have is that I have yet to find a way to keep my Hi-Lift from clicking and clacking.. knocking and banging... rattling constantly... the damn thing is so loud, I had to take it off and put it in the back of the Disco... I tried appying rubber pads between the actuator arm...
  5. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    No, the only time it got into the red was the first time I encountered this a couple of weeks ago. The other times, I have caught it before it ever went "over the top". On the trip down, I could see the guage change from slightly down from horizontal to straight horizontal... which it would...
  6. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    I am now almost 100% convinced that it is a collapsing hose. Yesterday, as we were heading up to Phoenix, the Disco started overheating...but never to the point of boiling over. At one point, when I pulled into a gas station, the needle hovered around the H... that was the highest it got. I...
  7. Intentional Wanderer

    Expedition USA (and eventually Canada)

    Hit a minor SNAFU and had to delay this by a week. I am flying to Denver tomorrow - dammit (I still have to go to work, even if the Disco isn't taking me!) We got to Anthem and the Disco started overheating. Not in a normal "oh my God, it's Phoenix... car-must-overheat" kind of way. It was...
  8. Intentional Wanderer

    96 Discovery I - Let The Money Flow!

    I already switched to brass... funny thing - don't know how many people know this.. but the brass plug is actually an MG origin part... now, if I could just chop the top off of my Disco... I could complete the MG transformation!
  9. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    Hmmm... I did have another "heating event", though this one not as bad... While climbing the steepest grade in Southern Arizona, trying to pass slower traffic, while pulling along at less than 40 mph, with the A/C on... the Disco did start to move towards the hot side. I did do it again...
  10. Intentional Wanderer

    Expedition USA (and eventually Canada)

    Well, that time has come. My work schedule for the next month or so has been set, so I am off to see the wilds of Central America... to be more specific, the Central United States. My wife and I are leaving Tucson today, headed to Denver for two days work. It is then on to Oklahoma City...
  11. Intentional Wanderer

    Post pictures of your Land Rover.

    Hmmmm....wondering about the sanity of driving a black Disco in AZ.... you MUST BE CRAZY!!!!! ....oh, wait... ....Come on down south some time!!!!
  12. Intentional Wanderer

    96 Discovery I - Let The Money Flow!

    *** Before *** *** After ***
  13. Intentional Wanderer

    96 Discovery I - Let The Money Flow!

    I installed the ARB Bull Bar last night/this morning. To tell the truth, it was QUITE A BIT easier than I thought it would be! That is always good! *** The beast is out of the box! *** *** The parting shot for the stock bumper *** *** Two of the four bolts that hold a Disco I bumper in...
  14. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    The verdict - so far - from the guys at Falconworks in Tucson was... ... a bizarre thermostat failure. Turns out that this particular thermostat has a "safety" mechanism (that none of the mechanics, nor I, had ever seen). On the spring side of the thermostat, there is a small catch flange...
  15. Intentional Wanderer

    ARB Bull Bar Install

    That is my only concern... holding it in place while I get the bolts on... I was thinking of some sort of wiring... or a box... it isn't that heavy, it is just unwieldy (sp).... As for approach angle, I am not one who rock crawls - if I am doing something that technical, I have a Jeep. I am...
  16. Intentional Wanderer

    Need To Figure Out What A Couple Of SES Trouble Codes Are

    Those are the ones that indicate that you need to give your LR to me... complete with RTT (probably the source of the codes)... ... don't ask, just trust the codes....
  17. Intentional Wanderer

    ARB Bull Bar Install

    While the Disco is in the shop having a couple of minor issues fixed (I hate doing brakes, so they are replacing the master cylinder and bleeding the brakes... I will GLADLY pay people to do that!), I just took delivery of my brand new ARB Bull Bar. thing you can say is that ARB...
  18. Intentional Wanderer

    Some Discovery II Things For Sale

    Hell man... they are DIRTY! ... you want this on my... << PRISTINE >> Land Rover? Gads!!!! ..... ORRRRR... do I have to pay extra becuase they are "Trail Proven"!
  19. Intentional Wanderer

    Spontaneous Overheating

    More in the world of weird... So far, I have done nothing at all to remedy the situation, but I did need to go from Tucson to Bisbee today, so I thought I would test to see if there would be any repeat offenses... I drove 110 miles... at highway speeds, up a 30 mile continuous grade, in a...
  20. Intentional Wanderer

    96 Discovery I - Let The Money Flow!

    Excellent response! ... and Larry from Columbia Overland already personally emailed me... kudos to them as a reseller!!! I can personally say that they back their products! ... I really didn't want to come across like it is a bad product, on the contrary, it is a great rack... there are just...