Search results

  1. S

    Roof Rack for a JK

    I am sitting about 74" high so if I got a roof rack it would have to be a low one like JPK spoke of. I am still torn between a roof rack and a tire swing with can holders and a rack on it, I am afraid of getting a roof rack and finding it top heavy with it loaded. Speaking of loading I also...
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    Roof Rack for a JK

    Thanks for the information, I have about 6" of clearance and I am really wanting a rack but it almost looks like I will have to get a tire swing with can holders and a rack on it. You said yours was 3' above the roof now is that everything or just the base where the basket sits on? Thanks again...
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    Roof Rack for a JK

    I am thinking of getting a roof rack for my 2008 2 door JK. What I would like to ask anyone who has one what type they have and how high is the structure off the roof. I would like to carry water / fuel cans as well as get in and out of the garage which is 81" tall. Thanks, Steve
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    AT trailer fails the test

    I have had my Chaser for almost 5 years now and I can say without a doubt that Adventure Trailers have nothing but the best product available and they have always stood by their product. I don't beat the living heck out of my Chaser but I have taken it places that are not civilized and it came...
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    JK gas blow back

    Mine was about 2K out of warranty, glad you were able to have it taken care of..
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    JK gas blow back

    Anyone with a JK having problems on filling up with their tank spilling gas back on you? I have seen online lots are having the problem as I did, I contacted Chrysler and since I am out of warranty I was able to have the tank changed and paid $100.
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    Blue Sea Fuse Blocks

    I plan on getting a 12 position one or at least that's what I hope to do. Thanks again, Steve
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    Blue Sea Fuse Blocks

    Thanks, I think it would be best and easiest to run just one ground to the battery so I guess a ground bus is what I want. I have maybe 6 circuits I want to hook up. Thanks, Steve
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    Blue Sea Fuse Blocks

    Thanks for the education.. Now another maybe stupid question but which would be best for my application of small things like power port, GPS and C.B in my JK? Thanks, Steve
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    Blue Sea Fuse Blocks

    OK, please let this most ignorant one know what a negative or positive bus is. I am also wanting to get my wires a lot neater and safer. Thanks, Steve
  11. S tests the Jeep branded trailer

    I saw one at the dealership and it was nice looking, the one problem I saw at a quick glance was the step was so low that it looked like it would not be long for this world if you really took it off road. I will stick with my Chaser and continue to love each outing with it.
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    JK/J8 Flippac rumor??

    Thanks Mario, you and the "Crew" are great and I totally thank you for everything you have done for me and everyone else.. Best of everything, Steve
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    JK/J8 Flippac rumor??

    Mario, Most welcome.. If you ever need a "Volunteer" just lemme know.. A rig like that would be perfect for me and am drooling over it. Steve
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    JK/J8 Flippac rumor??

    Once again AT has done it, sure looks like a perfect system for the JK. Sure wish I could make your open house on the 9th but I am heading out into the desert. Is there any possibility now that you might be making one for a 2 door, I know you are just getting the 4 door moving but I am crossing...
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    Brunton Cook Stove

    I have a Brunton two burner stainless stove, I have used it once and it's in perfect condition. I am just North of Tucson and would love to find a good home for it, $200 takes it home.. Thanks, Steve
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    Scepter MFC Group Buy

    I am not aware that a gasket for a gas can is illegal. Also the can that is being spoken about is not illegal in Arizona or other states, just some states. I just bought parts and another Scepter can from a dealer. What is being talked about is the failure of Monte to even respond to people he...
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    Scepter MFC Group Buy

    A cell number that's answered with Monte's name when going to answering machine.
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    Scepter MFC Group Buy

  19. S

    Scepter MFC Group Buy

    I gather that he's in your neck of the woods and on Facebook.. Sorry you were totally taken but as we all know there are people like that in this world.