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  1. photogdave

    Snacks / light meal ideas

    My girlfriend likes to try out new recipes for homemade energy bars, oat fudge bars and such. You can make pretty good ones that are quite healthy and don't even use sugar. You can make some really good ones that are less healthy...
  2. photogdave

    2014 Express AWD cargo van PNW 4 season camper

    Nice! I'm thinking of ditching the Fiamma in favor of an ARB to save stressing the rain gutters. I'll miss the crank-out instant setup though. Your van is looking awesome!
  3. photogdave

    2014 Express AWD cargo van PNW 4 season camper

    With the lights placed where they are, I'm guessing you are going to forego and awning?
  4. photogdave

    Coffee Makers?

    Although I'll continue using my Moka Pot for camping, I have been using an Aeropress at work for quite a while now. I can't really add anything new about the quality and ease-of-use, but I did learn that the paper filters are reusable and I can get 4-5 days at 2 cups per day out of one filter.
  5. photogdave

    Pop-tops: are they worth it?

    Favourite thing: Lots of headroom when camping and a completely separate sleeping area which minimizes moving gear around. Least favourite thing: Condensation and mold build-up. Compared to hightop: I prefer the low profile for driving through densely-wooded trails and getting into city parking...
  6. photogdave

    Camp Champ - Full Kitchen in a box

    Six grand!!!??? :eek: Maybe someone can copy this for cheaper.
  7. photogdave

    The Owyhee

    Since you were drinking Macallan and Glenlivet, it's whisky! ;) Anyway, great trip report! Thanks for posting and looking forward to the conclusion.
  8. photogdave

    What is your favorite camping gear?

    Portable power pack similar to this one: I use it to string up lights in the van, power a small iPod stereo system, charge batteries, run a 12V fan, jump-start people's cars. While many people have a dual battery system in their rigs, I like this solution because there are no permanent...
  9. photogdave

    NorthWest MogFest

    I thought the website would be up all year this year, however it traditionally goes live a couple of months before the event. Check back in the spring or early summer!
  10. photogdave

    NorthWest MogFest

    Hey guys, I hope you had a chance to check out my story about MogFest on the main page, and hope to see some you there this year!
  11. photogdave

    All of that camping gear...

    I forgot to mention that last year we started using Mountainsmith Cubes to pack our soft items. They are really efficient for organizing and stowing stuff, and keeping certain items always packed and ready to go. We each get one cube for clothes, a third cube always has either summer stuff -...
  12. photogdave

    All of that camping gear...

    I can honestly say, with a slight tinge of shame, that I likely wouldn't be camping at all these days, much less exploring the backcountry if I had never bought a Westy. So in my case the right vehicle made all the difference. The mini-RV concept of the campervan allows me to keep most of my...
  13. photogdave

    Small Kureg coffee maker?????

    I really don't understand the point of that thing. A massive, electricity-sucking machine that only produces single-serving coffee and adds further waste to the landfills? For job sites, why not just make a big thermos of coffee in the morning? For camping there are many better solutions that...
  14. photogdave

    Dehydrated beer

  15. photogdave

    Dehydrated beer

    I work part-time at a Vancouver craft brewery and I will say that there is some beer made here that will rival and beat some of the 'Merican stuff...and we're just getting started! I'm going to send the link to this to some of the guys and see what they think! :coffeedrink:
  16. photogdave

    Small Kureg coffee maker?????

    Are you able to recycle these K cups or are you using the re-useable type?
  17. photogdave

    Coffee Makers?

    That's Keurig. Their regular pods are very difficult to recycle. Here's a couple of articles worth reading. The first discusses the difference between Nespresso's language of recycling capacity and and actual recycling. It is a few years old now. The second, recent, article discusses...
  18. photogdave

    Coffee Makers?

    I recently saw a news story about these pods. It said they aren't 100% recyclable. Not to mention the materials and chemicals that goes into producing them. Sorry, I'm just not a fan of anything that uses packaging for individual servings. It just seems wasteful. With something like a Moka Pot...
  19. photogdave

    Coffee Makers?

    Just wasted packaging...
  20. photogdave

    Do you bring milk?

    Thanks for sharing this info. I have learned to camp and travel without milk - black coffee and instant cereal with water, but my wife likes to experiment with exotic camping meals so I'll let her know about this product.