Do you bring milk?


Expedition Leader
Most of my meals wind up being what I can wip up quickly. Cereal for breakfast or cookies and milk is a great snack so I bring milk. It's full of protein and is undeniably a very healthy food. The problem is it can spoil easily. My batteries may die over night and I must wonder if my 39 degree milk is still good. It's so hot in Arizona so it may have even gotten warm before I bought it or on the way home. There is a great solution. Lactose free milk. It's nothing more than regular milk that has been homogonized or cooked at a higher temp. We all know that cooked food lasts longer and so does this milk. Up to two months! It's basically no different than regular milk but it is a smidgen sweeter. Great for coffee. It also comes in heavy duty 96 ounce jugs making them smaller than a full gallon. They fit better in a fridge or cooler and most important it does not spoil.

From the web explaining what it is:
Ultra-pasteurized milk has a longer shelf life than regular milk, lasting up to 60 days compared with between seven and 16 days for regular milk, according to Strauss Family Creamery. This is a benefit for the manufacturer because lactose-free milk doesn't have as rapid a turnover on the store shelves, since there isn't as high a demand for it as for regular milk. Producers heat the milk to at least 280 degree Fahrenheit for at least two seconds. Regular pasteurized milk is heated to 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 19 seconds and then immediately cooled to 40 degree Fahrenheit or lower.

If you want milk on your trips then this is the best choice.


Saw this all over Europe. Very common at Aldi in Germany. Nowhere near as pricey there as it is here, I think i was paying something like 3 Euro each at the time.


I have found that inexpensive Kroger brand dehydrated milk is really good.....cold. So, I usually pack the dry milk with me and if I need to drink some, I mix it up in some ice cold water, or as cold of water as I can get. I can also mix up what I need for cooking/baking and such as needed.

Tonight I just ran across powdered malted milk. Never seen it before, nor tried yet. Kinda hoping it would be a good healthy drink on the trail.


Thanks for sharing this info. I have learned to camp and travel without milk - black coffee and instant cereal with water, but my wife likes to experiment with exotic camping meals so I'll let her know about this product.


Shelf stable almond milk is also available in single use pints. Very travel friendly.

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Happy Joe

Apprentice Geezer
When I was an ardent backpacker I sometimes used dried milk (both for recipes and cereal), I still stock it in the pantry and use it for recipes.
The taste isn't the best for drinking straight but it can be significantly improved by aerating as it is mixed. Mix only as much as you will use immediately in a jar or bottle leaving a significant air space (2-3 inches) then shake it vigorously.
For recipes add it to other dry ingredients and bag for transport. At camp add oil/butter/margarine/eggs, etc. and water stir/mix and pour/cook.
...try/verify all recipes and food applications at home first...




Works great with cereals.

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My buddy swears by his re-hydrated powdered milk... we have done a few section hikes on the AT and he always has his cocoa puffs handy for breakfast, but the lactose-free is a good overlanding tip!



"Carnation Milk, best in the land,
Comes to you in a red and white can,
No teats to pull no hay to pitch,
Just punch a hole in the sonofabitch"



Shelf stable almond milk is also available in single use pints. Very travel friendly.

We also like the coconut/ almond milk blend. Get the ones with vanilla flavoring but no sugar added. 30 calories per cup and very tasty. Almost seems like almond milk doesn't spoil.... ever.

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