What if you just laid some flat stock on the bed rail and clamped it down with those bolt-on bed cap type clamps?
You could easily weld up a rack using the flat stock as a base. Clamp it on to use, declamp to store in the garage.
Or would that just come across looking getto?
Gotcha, four of those quick release feet and two bars would haul kayaks, you could buy or build a basket to carry other gear as needed.
Nice looking basket. Is 150lbs enough? I know I put more than that on my rack easily.....of course, no one will ever accuse me of packing light!
buy the feet and bars and make your own basket?
I know that you use your equipment so I have greater respect for your opinions then others. My question being it looks like you are running a viking winch line would you say that is a better line then master pull?