100 Series Family Adventure Rig


Expedition Leader
great drawer setup...mine is very similar...you might enjoy boxing up the fridge...that way you can use the space on top to set luggage, gear, etc.

yep, i learned after mine looked like yours...then, i pulled it out and made a box for over the fridge...

regardless...enjoy your build and truck:)


Does that iPad mount get in the way of the passenger? I really like that! Always was wondering about if a regular iPad was just too big, and it appears that the mini is perfect.

I'm also assuming you can move the iPad closer to the center dash and kind of out of the way of the passenger?

Where is foamhenge?! I'm up around boone and brown mountain beach road all the time.


great drawer setup...mine is very similar...you might enjoy boxing up the fridge...that way you can use the space on top to set luggage, gear, etc.

yep, i learned after mine looked like yours...then, i pulled it out and made a box for over the fridge...

regardless...enjoy your build and truck:)
Thanks. The fridge slide side is next for this exact reason. I hate to lose the ability to open the fridge without sliding it out but the storage above the fridge will be worth it. I am debating putting a stove drawer underneath at the same time...


Does that iPad mount get in the way of the passenger? I really like that! Always was wondering about if a regular iPad was just too big, and it appears that the mini is perfect.

I'm also assuming you can move the iPad closer to the center dash and kind of out of the way of the passenger?

Where is foamhenge?! I'm up around boone and brown mountain beach road all the time.
Thank you, it is one of my favorite additions and the iPad mini is a better choice than the full size iPad for my needs.
It can be moved around by loosening the set screw on the arm to be closer to the driver or passenger. With it in the position I drive with it doesn't block the passenger airbag or interfere with the passenger space at all. It doesn't sit beyond the center console into the passenger area.

Foam henge is near Natural Bridge, VA so it is a little ways from Boone. Not worth the drive alone but there are lots of other things to do or see in the area. We found quite a few miles of unpaved country roads out that way that we will be back to explore this year.


I decided to use satin black polyurethane for the finish. I will probably end up with carpet on top, on the drawer front, and inside the drawer eventually but this will seal the wood and offer some extra protection against moisture I hope....

First coat applied. Looks like it will need at least two more.


Expedition Leader
stove slide...nice...i personally think it would feel cramped on my lc to have fridge, stove, and tailgate all down...I have a spare tire mounted on a swing arm so I feel that I would be corralled in...But, I would say it looks like a sweet, efficient setup!

Have fun...100s are such great rides!


Drawer about finished

I finally got my drawer installed. I ended up only needing 2 coats of polyurethane for a good thick protective layer. I let that cure for 2 weeks while I was in Vietnam and Thailand. I have been to China quite a bit but this was my first experience in southern Asia. They have some nice vehicles. In Thailand you either have a killer truck or a scooter. I saw very few cars. I am going to figure out how to sneak a Hilux or world edition Ford Ranger in my luggage on my next trip! With that being said, the Lexus is now up for sale...:) Kidding.
So tonight was has been the first night that I haven't fallen asleep on the couch the minute I got home from work. (It is tough making a 13 hour time zone change twice in two weeks)
I got the drawer installed this evening and it turned out great. It still needs a handle and latch. There are some really nice looking options out there but I think I will stick with a length of 550 cord for the handle and a slide pin latch. Why overcomplicate things?
I also need to put in some dividers.
End of rambling and onto the pictures.



Oil change

It was a beautiful day today but I worked for most of it and didn't have any time for an adventure so I got the oil changed, replaced the air filter, and lubed the driveshafts.

While I was under there I checked out the cv joints for leaks because I have been getting a slight clunk while turning. I saw no tears or leaks in the cv boots but I did notice that the steering rack has developed a slight leak. I will keep an eye on the power steering fluid but I guess I still have quite a while before changing it out will be necessary.

I also mounted a Life Hammer today.


Random pictures

Here are a few random pictures that I never got around to posting until now.
Some snow this winter. The Cooper ST Maxx tires handled it with ease.

Some sliders Marten built for his GX being modeled on my LX. I will hopefully have a pair this year.

One of the original "Shell" gas stations.

Camping and mountain biking at Lake Norman State Park.

The Scholl Bus which we came across when we were moving my sister-in-law to Wingate for the semester. Yes, it is a popup camper grafted to the roof of the bus. They also have smoker grill on a swing out on the front bumper. Check out their page, they have a great story. http://theschollbus.com


Air filter vacuum gauge

I had not thought of it for the 100 but I had it on my list of small mods that never got done to my Jeep. Thanks to Spressomon for sending me the link and reminding me of it. Cheap mod and only takes about 5 minutes to install.
I also needed a good reason to show off a great beer find. Bells Expedition Stout. :beer:

Just drill and 11/16 inch hole in the post filter side of you air filter box and install the supplied rubber grommet.
Reinstall the air filter lid and press fit the gauge into the grommet.

Done. I just installed a new filter. I am curious to see how quickly the gauge will start to read more restriction.

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