Aye that looks a bit safer!
Did you try a pot or two on the burner? I ask because when the stove is back close to the van side the pot wont sit properly on the ring. And I see you've not got any insulation on the van sides yet - if it were me, I'd fit a slab of Kingspan (or similar) insulation board into the recess created by those ribs on the van side (one is just behind your stove) and then sheet ply right over the whole side down to the point where the side curves under, and up to about an inch above the internal gutter - the inch allows you to drop wiring down the back easily, and using those ribs as attachment points for the ply through which flanged self tappers would go.
At the moment if you use the stove the condensation created by heat+cold van side will be significant and it's all going to run down and saturate the wood below, which will soon deform, discolour and rot/smell. And if you try to put insulation on now it will decrease the space you have to get the pot onto the burner, unless you use sheet foam which may not sit 'comfortably' near a nekkid flame! Although you could cover the foam with a sheet of thin aluminium to make it less combustible.
From long experience - don't underestimate the amount of condensation you'll get - simply from being in there and breathing overnight you will generate a load of drips and runs - then add cold weather and you'll get more, then add a stove and it will be positively streaming down - it can make life seriously unpleasant and the smells very hard to get rid of. The difference between a dry fresh-smelling sleeping bag and a damp clingy one with a hint of danish blue cheese about it is rather noticeable
That aside I like your use of folding bits and creative uses of space. With some creativity you can fit a lot in that small area. Keep it up.