I used a REALLY cheap 12v pump for several years. (I won it at an offroad event and used it just to see how long it would last...) It was REALLY slow, but I must have aired up 100 tires with it before it finally died. I mostly used it to go from low pressure (15psi or less) up to 20-25psi for whatever drive I had to get to a compressor.
After it died, I actually missed it, so I bought a more capable 12v compressor, the MF-1025 off Epay for ~$30. It works quite a bit faster and a little bit quieter, and is capable of hitting 30psi in a more reasonable time, but it's still pretty slow. For occasional use, it was fine.
Then I found the best solution of all. The 4.0L that I put in my jeep came with an A/C compressor, but my Jeep is non-A/C. I finally got off my ******** and plumbed up the pump to an old ARB hose. WAY FAST!!! After a few years I wore out the hose so it wouldn't stay on the valve stem, so I had to hold it. Then it wouldn't seal anymore... Time to do something different!
I mounted a 3 gallon aluminum tank under the back and plumbed it to the compressor through an actual switch and oil separator. Perfection! If you have room underhood for an additional compressor, or provisions for a stock compressor that you're not using, this is the HOT TICKET to on board air!! Even with the small aluminum tank, it's still half the weight of a CO2 system, and I can fill tires just as fast.
I've used it to run an air impact, which works fine. Haven't tried painting with it yet, but I know it would put out enough volume.
You may have to put a little extra effort in to get it all working, but after that, it's a lot less effort to use than either of the other options. I've been using it for 3 years now and it's still working fine with occasional oiling.