12V Socket for Fridges: clever ones?


mcvickoffroad said:
I was talking with Will at Sierra Expeditions the other day and they are getting ready to carry a locking 12 plug/socket. It sounds very interesting and very HD durable.

They won't have them till September.


We are importing these and unfortunately that is a slow process as many of you know.


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
Wow, this thread has exploded.

For long term durability IMO there is two solutions and it depends on what route you take with your fridge.

1.) Fridge is allways in one rig only: Hardwire kit. We are currently testing the Engel Hardwire kit, that allows you to hard wire your 12v plug at the moment.
2.) For those of you who switch their fridges in and out of vehicles (example: Switch from rig 1 to rig 2): A locking plug. We're working on bringing in the Engel Posi-fits, but a locking plug that would allow one to "lock" the cable in is the best solution (Similar to what Scott posted.)

Scenic WonderRunner

Here is the twist lock from Cabela's..........

It's not flush mount but you could make a little box for it.


Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
I was looking at this thread, thinking I wanted a plug in connector for my fridge. I have had problems with the one I have with it loosening while traveling or blowing the fuse if pushed in too far. Well, on my last camping trip my fridge started throwing error codes and cycling funny.

When I got home I researched the code and found it indicated low input voltage on the 12VDC. Switched to AC and it worked perfectly. Waeco says that is usually due to low or flaky 12VDC power supplied to the fridge. Since I have had problems with the plug I just removed it completely and built a new cord with crimped on eyelets on the end. Then I replaced the 12V receptacle with a screw on terminal block and hardwired the fridge cord to the terminal block.

Testing since then has been error free and I have no worries anymore of the connection loosening. Since I don't move this fridge around between vehicles, this is a great solution for me.


The way I have mine setup is a 12v Engel cable with the end cut off hard wired into my fuse box in my rear storage. I have another 12v cable that plugs into the Engel as usual but the other end has another Engel plug that plugs into the hard wired cable and then screws shut.

I can't remember exactly what I used but I'll take some photos when I get home from work later.


I had a bit more of a look around.

I believe I used one of these:


I cut the male end off (the end with the 2 metal prongs) and wired this into my fuse box in my rear storage system.

I think took this cord:


and unscrewed the cigarette lighter tip and unplugged it and this gave me a male end with the 2 metal prongs that plugs into the female end of the adapter posted before and then screws shut for a fitting that can't come loose.

I've got it coming through a small hole in the side of my rear storage next to my fridge slide in such a way that when the slide is fully extended the cable pivots and is at the perfect length and when it is shut it slides back out of the way.


Mlachica said:
......I like these West Marine one's. The plugs are snug and the receptacles mount securely.

Those are made by a marine electrics company called Marinco, and private labeled for West marine in the multi socket model.

the one AT sells is also by Marinco, (I like teh box they make for it)

The link to the one at cabela's is also the Marinco one.

as far as I can tell, they are the best ones out there.

you can buy the socket and plug separate, and might as well support our sponsors and get it from AT... i like the little box they have it in.

I have three in my RV, one in the Jeep, one on my DRZ400... and a few more in my cargo trailer.
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Scenic WonderRunner


What did you ever figure to do about this?




Expedition Leader
Scenic WonderRunner said:

What did you ever figure to do about this?


Good question.

I purchased the clever box from AT - their box uses that same locking outlet you posted from Cabella's. As it turns out, it's only 1/6400ths the size of an actual pool table. Pictures on the web sure are deceiving.


Heretic Car Camper
Wow! Only .017" (0.43mm) long? That's outstanding!

Engineers........ sheesh!...........

Scenic WonderRunner

articulate said:
Good question.

I purchased the clever box from AT - their box uses that same locking outlet you posted from Cabella's. As it turns out, it's only 1/6400ths the size of an actual pool table. Pictures on the web sure are deceiving.



That Settles it!

Just blame it on me.....and slap me around a little bit!

It's my fault and I can take it!

I Love Pool!:elkgrin:

....now just where is my pool table smilie when I need him>?!!!!!!!

(hope it works for you!)



Expedition Leader
Desertdude said:
Food for thought:

I find the idea that we are still using this 1950 legacy "Cigarette style" 12 volt connection ludicrous. Some connections should be twist-lock, and others tiny USB based on power draw.

DD: Overthinking my 12V outlet for my Waeco 3-years ago I installed the Marinco Twist Lock http://www.marinco.com/product/connectpro-plug as you have linked. But it is NOT always reliable. I would NOT, inspite of their claim for solid connection under rugged conditions, use it again.

Inspite of it being '50's technology the standard Marinco cigarette style socket and plug with the rubber grommet seems to hold tight under all conditions.


Expedition Leader
ntsqd said:
Wow! Only .017" (0.43mm) long? That's outstanding!
Engineers........ sheesh!...........

To follow up, I didn't even put this socket to use for my fridge. It's too pretty to bury back there. Instead, I've put it in the tool box for general use. Specifically, a 12V camp fan in the tent!


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