1911 or Glock


Expedition Leader
I'm going to guess that money, as in follow the money, and unavailability of parts are the reasoning. FWIW, the Colt Rail guns had some issues with frames cracking/rails splitting during the testing.


What's your reasoning behind that statement?

My reasoning? Common Sense.

To base your preference in a personal defense weapon on what SPECIAL FORCES are ISSUED, is asinine. Choose the weapon YOU can perform with the best (in the real world), not call of duty.

Unless of course you think a spec ops guy is going to be there so you can hand him your weapon so he can use it. YOU are going to be using YOUR weapon, I would suggest purchasing one that YOU can use. Base YOUR weapon off of how YOU can operate it.........What good would it do to purchase a Sig Sauer if you cant shoot it worth a damn? Oh but special forces are issued it....

Common Sense.
I would choose...... An XD, I have 3. I had a 1911, but the damn safety kept getting in my way during type 3 malfunction clearances. Sold it and bought a 45ACP XD, to compliment my 40SW and 45GAP XD's.

While I feel that all 3 are fantastic weapons platforms, I prefer the XD over the other 2 because
1. I can run it faster and more accurately
2. It points perfectly for me
3. It feels good in my hand.


My reasoning? Common Sense.

To base your preference in a personal defense weapon on what SPECIAL FORCES are ISSUED, is asinine. Choose the weapon YOU can perform with the best (in the real world), not call of duty.

Unless of course you think a spec ops guy is going to be there so you can hand him your weapon so he can use it. YOU are going to be using YOUR weapon, I would suggest purchasing one that YOU can use. Base YOUR weapon off of how YOU can operate it.........What good would it do to purchase a Sig Sauer if you cant shoot it worth a damn? Oh but special forces are issued it....

Common Sense.

Nice :)

Glock 30, under my pillow...


Wandering Explorer
Get the one that you like most/feel most comfortable with. The Glock is a fine weapon, but I find it uncomfortable in my hand while a 1911 feels like it was designed for me. As such, I will not likely ever buy a Glock. I just don't like shooting them.

Sent via fat thumb

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Glock is a good gun, but I cannot get behind a plastic gun. I have a couple 1911s - a Gold Cup series 80 and an Officer's Model - the most compact 1911 made and packs well in a pancake holster. This is the Officer's Model 1911:

Glock is a good gun, but I cannot get behind a plastic gun.

My brother in law has thrown his glock out of a car at 60 mph on asphalt, his buddy tossed one out of a helicopter.

All with a round in the chamber, and both survived just fine, without the gun being fired.


My brother in law has thrown his glock out of a car at 60 mph on asphalt, his buddy tossed one out of a helicopter.

All with a round in the chamber, and both survived just fine, without the gun being fired.

Those seem like very silly things to do with a hand gun.


I own many of both and carry both based on the situation.
SO the best answer is GET BOTH !! :victory:


Photographer in the Wild
I pick up my Glock 17 G4 tomorrow morning as well as a Taurus 709 Slim for the wife. We spent weeks trying to find the right pistols for us and when it all came down to it these 2 ended up being the right ones. I had originally set out to get a Springfield XDm in .40 but after a long discussion with a personal defense instructor and after holding both in hand back and forth I finally decided the Glock was the way to go. As for the 1911, of course I want one, ever since my cousin got his Kimber I have lusted after the 1911, although my taste has changed and a Kimber just seems like a lot of bling for what I do with my firearms. something with less bling would be better although a Wilson Xtac is one of the most beautiful pistols I have ever seen.


New member
I like both, I feel that a big factor is how much time and training the shooter is willing to put into it. The Glock is relatively easy to operate, the 1911 takes just a little more to really be able to run it hard. Also switching between the two for a defensive gun could be an issue if you really arn't fully up to speed on both platforms. In the end it's shooters preference. What ever you have just make sure you know how to use it.

Thanks for trying to correct me on what branch has what, however recon is different from MARSOC. Recon guys still fall under USMC guidelines and chain of command. MARSOC falls directly under SOCOM.

Just a quick note, Special Forces specifically refers to US Army Special Forces(the "Green Berets"). MARSOC would be Special Operations Forces.


Expedition Leader
i picked up a 19. jury out.


it conceals better than i thought it would. much better than a 1911. not as good as my khar.

khar 40 has a 5rd mag, this has a 15. and with the longer barrel, id call the 40 and 9 equal on impact. im not shooting myself to confirm. ill make due with guessing.

cheap ammo.

not over built. my early khar has much nicer machining and finish, but it aint gettin me nuttin. it didnt like JHP's at first either. the glock is only as good as it needs to be to eat everything i could locate. nutting purdy but it worked out of the box, like an AK.

take down is stupid simple. i bent the slide release spring on the khar the first time i did it, and that apparently wasnt uncommon.

the bad?

im so used to 1911's, little khars, and smith 640's that the grip on this makes me point it high when not concentrating. muscle memory isnt compliant. thats bad. so the jury is out but, failure to like it would be the user, not the gun.

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