So I had some stuff cadmium plated along with the zinc load of parts. However, I held off on posting pictures because it came back not as expected. A friend had told me the yellow coating you see often on stuff is cadmium, so that is what I ordered up. Unknown to me it is zinc with yellow chromate added to it. The cadmium also has the yellow chromate added to it but the finish is darker or more gold in color. The color also varies a bit between items, my thoughts on this are it is due to how dirty an item was before coating and or the type of metal it is. The cadmium is supposed to be at least 2x a superior coating to the zinc in terms of corrosion. So anyways, we needed to make some decisions about the parts. Since most of this stuff gets painted we are going to leave most of it alone. But a few key items are going back to get the zinc with yellow chromate. Main reason being is we are after a certain color and finish on these items.
Now that decisions have been are pictures of the cadmium coated parts.
soft top pins for body, some misc hardware and a fuel filler neck.
early door latch mechanisms before...
and after, I think they came out beautiful.
these are part of the mounts for the dual horns. Items like this replated will give a real nice overall look.
these are turn signal and tail light backing plates.
Here you can see the dip sticks didn't turn out as planned...the yellow handle one is OEM from the late 70's.
these were the items we were considering to send back for replating. Not all of this is being sent back, just some of it.
So I had never had anything plated before. I would say now I know at least a little something about it!