Sorry a tad late coming into this thread , as it has moved into diesel territory pretty well . Couple of points from past experience
1. The 2.6 is basically not bad engine , its torque characteristics are well suited to the original use profile of the series landrover
2. As previously posted most of probs with it are caused by poor maintenance eg not maintaining valve clearance on exh valves leading to burnt valves , another thing to look at is the drive quill shaft for the oil pump and ign distributor , it has a brass gear that drives off the side of the camshaft , this tends to wear esp if oil not been changed regularly . You can fit new gear to shaft If you can find one.
3 If going to a large (relative) capacity diesel , they tend to be limited in rev range eg 2600 governed. I fitted a truck engine (3.8L leyland) into a 109 series 11a back in early 70s had to fit o/d to gearbox and 4.1 diffs running 750x16 tyres . This resulted in a 60mph cruise at about 2400 rpm . It would go up hill at same speed so there was plenty of pull still in hand even towing! The only real problem is it made the vehicle a bit front heavy for off road , and noise levels are quite high ( had headphones to plug into audio )
4. 300tdi is a better option than 200tdi several reasons , should be sourceable from discovery , can be made to work in series /defender even with EDC , but can retrofit non computer inj pump as well. HTSH