Well, internets, what do we do?
Do I adhere to the "oh noes! your tank is teh old! It must have teh rusts and holeses!"
Or do we go with EVIDENCE?!
Okay, this took 18 minutes (yes, i timed myself)
Once it was on the ground i did a lil inspection.
KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay but seriously, there was rust. (the chunks you see are remnants of an old fuel sock that is down in the bottom there, i didn't have any tweezers long enough to get it out)
Man, thats bad. How it stays held together in the parking lot is a wonder, forget about on the trails!
Alright, so about an hour and 3 cans of brake cleaner later(who needs beer when you're huffin' that stuff all night), we have a mostly clean tank.
I pumped it full of water to rinse it out, it's getting dropped at a friend's mechanic, who is a freelance type guy. He said he's repaired many a tank, and will clean it up and fix the 2 leaks (the crack and the broken weld at the vent tube) for me for 2 hours labor, at the "friends and family" rate.
So, i should have a repaired tank by Friday night. I'm dropping it off in the AM.
Then it'll take 18 minutes to bolt back up once my new sending unit arrives.