Well the holiday break brought on a chance to do the knuckle rebuild, took a couple of days due to cleaning but it all went really well, turns out one of the previous owners installed Timken wheel bearings, glad I didn't buy new ones right away!
Knuckle rebuild went perfect, Changed the oil in the diff and put about 200 miles on it after the rebuild. No more strange sounds when turning or humming after long drives.
Me and a few friends started to prep for our yearly flagstaff trip to play in the snow, I was in the Land cruiser, another friend in an older Chevy 2500, and the third in a 13' Power wagon, Got some Maxtrax and some awesome solar stuff from Goal-Zero for Xmas I was looking forward to testing out while I was up there.
We hit the road at about 5:30am, made it outside of Phoenix with the Land cruiser running great, good temp and oil pressure the whole way. Doing an easy 65mph and 50-55 up the passes.
As we approached Camp Verde at the top of a pass the front diff went, Could feel and hear the driveshaft under me banging around, I pulled over on the side of the highway and when I got to about 5mph the front diff locked and skidded the cruiser to a stop.
Luckily I was about 2 miles from Camp Verde, I put it in gear and limped it to town doing about 5-10 mph. About 30 minutes later the two other trucks that went with showed up as they had to turn around (after I told them we should all stick together incase something like this happens, they like doing 80mph).
Fast forward through the day and a flatbed showed up about 4 hours later, 2 disappointing hours later I was back home.
Just glad it happened while I was getting cell phone service by a town, would have made for an interesting trip if that happened in the middle of cinder hills.
Sucks that it had to be taken back by a flatbed but the only friends I have with trucks capable of towing that weight and trailers were busy at work that day.
The other two trucks continued on to Cinder Hills and had some issues of their own, The chevy lost all its coolant out on the trail so they were sitting out there for hours after going to town to buy tools, coolant and a couple of hoses, their repairs went on into the night and the temperature dropped to about 13 degrees, they finally fixed it and had a long drive home without any heat.
Well, another lesson learned, front end will be coming back apart to see what officially went wrong. More to come!