1st Generation Toyota 4Runner's.....

  • Thread starter Scenic WonderRunner
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Scenic WonderRunner

Did somebody mention 1st Generation Toyota 4Runner's?.....:costumed-smiley-007

Toro Peak

Santa Rosa Spring

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Do all of you feel that your 1st gens are reliable enough to be far away from civilzation and not break badly enough to not be able to make it back? I have an 86 with 211k right now. I have never had anything this old or with this many miles and was wondering how safe it is to venture off in something like that.


Since this post, this is what it looks like now after the SAS:



Also, the head gasket went about a month after that post, so while I was replacing the head gasket, I also replaced the oil pump, water pump and timing chain with the ENGNBLDR kit and it runs like a top now. I'm taking it down to Saltillo, Mexico for an overland trip. I'll be sure to get plenty of pics.


my very favorite flavor of toyota (but it's close!)
Here's mine

some highway 1 roadside camping...

love it


Expedition Leader
I love these old trucks. They're small though. It's perfect for me and the GF right now, but I can see moving onto a 60 Series Cruiser when our family grows. That said, they are VERY tough little trucks. Underpowered yes, but easily some of the stoutest (reletive to their size) 4x4's ever offered in the US.


This truck however will remain in the family possibly as a trail toy or maybe she'll get herself that 1KZ-t I've always wanted her to have in her.

As to the OP's original question: YES I would definatly trust this truck on long travels. This truck would be happy to drive across the country, wheel all over the place and then drive back home and it would do it without complaint. I've hauled 2 Rolled rafts, maybe 5 loaded HD (large capacity/heavy duty) dry-bags. A loaded cooler and a smattering of other stuff that's always in the truck, from Portland to Northern Idaho all over Idaho and Montana for 2 weeks and then back home with all that same gear loaded in. It was SLOW going up the hills, but I just put it in 3rd and did 50 up everything and there are some good long grades on that drive. That was before the new motor too... The 22RE is just a great little motor: simple, easy to work on and VERY reliable and well designed.

She's back there between the other 2 Toyotas loaded to the gills and driving like a dream.

I love my Toyota... Truly LOVE it...


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It was SLOW going up the hills, but I just put it in 3rd and did 50 up everything and there are some good long grades on that drive. That was before the new motor too... The 22RE is just a great little motor: simple, easy to work on and VERY reliable and well designed.

Definately a simple yet overbuilt engine engine that'll go the distance, I sold my 22RE at ~230k (still disn't use a drop of oil) just to get something with a bit more power - here's one of the wife passing me with 3,500 lbs on the back bumper (7MGE, 3L inline 6 from a Supra) :D

and my favorite campground/RV site near Trinidad, CA (from my cross country trip last year)


Expedition Leader
NICE CORAX!!!!!!!!!!! That's sweet for sure, It'd make me look twice in disbelief if I saw a 1st Gen 4 Runner pulling up a hill like that ;) hahahahahaha then I think my brain would kick in and say "ENGINE SWAP" duh...
-Edit: I see you're running the high-clearence front fiberglass fenders from Toyota Fiberglass??? how are you liking those baby's?? NICE truck mate, I'm loving all these 1st Gen 4Runners, they really are some of the neatest trucks out there.

How dificult was the swap??? I've heard of people doing this quite a bit but I've never actually looked into the process. I've also heard of some horror stories of 5 and 7M motor swaps that just didn't go together well and were always overheating and other wierd issues. How has your's been for you???

I really wanted to put the 3.0L I4 Turbo diesel from a JDM (a 1KZ-Te) half cut but it got out of hand cost wise... someday though I think this little beastie will have the oil burning heart and R-series Tranny I want so badly for her. Oh and maybe a swap to a resto'd 85 frame for an ultra low SFA conversion with OME springs all around... I'm doing it again, I'm drooling on the key board... hahahahahahaha


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4rescue and corax love both of your rigs!

Makes me want to get my first gen back! someday soon I should be driving one again:bike_rider:


I see you're running the high-clearence front fiberglass fenders from Toyota Fiberglass??? how are you liking those baby's??

They're actually Hanneman fenders that I found on ebay used for fairly cheap - and that's what they are, fairly cheap. They haven't broken or anything like that, but they don't line up very well either (even with shimming, etc). Every review I've heard of the ToyotaFiberglass panels says those ones are top notch. Beyond that, my only concern is that I no longer have a plastic inner fender to protect the door hinges/seals/etc. from rocks/dirt/water - but I haven't had any problems with the door seals leaking and the hinges just take a squirt of lube every few months to keep them quiet and happy.

How dificult was the swap??? I've heard of people doing this quite a bit but I've never actually looked into the process. I've also heard of some horror stories of 5 and 7M motor swaps that just didn't go together well and were always overheating and other wierd issues. How has your's been for you???

7MGE swap note and pics - mine took a little while to finally get the cooling system where I want it, although I only really had problems with the original radiator when I was towing the trailer or running long grades wide open in the desert. I did lose my air conditioning, but I don't mind sweat. The swap itself went fairly smoothly, there is a small bit of cutting/fab work, but nothing that couldn't be farmed out if you don't have the tools - I spent 1/2 year gathering parts and researching the swap though, so in that respect I was prepared. The wiring part was pretty simple for me being really only 8 wires or so that need to be connected, but I'm also pretty handy with a DVOM.

*edit* here's a link to a different site for the 7MGE swap note and pics
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Corax, I have read many of your posts and your 4runner is one of my favorites...and its not just the beer and pain pills talking( my back locked up on me).
In my opinion, the lack of power in 1st gen 4runners is their biggest detractor, but there is so much good about them, that its easily overlooked.
I hope to keep mine running for years to come and many adventures and explorations.
Question: I recently did crossover steering and used a steering box from an 87. I have lots of play in the steering, and I have tightened up the gearbox as much as I could. Is that a tell tale sign that the gear box is bad?

Anyway, thumbs up to this thread and the love for the 1st gens.

My old '85 4runner before I painted it, added new wheels, 31s and just cleaned it up overall.... Then it stayed covered in mud, and I eventually floated it across a pond, hydro-locked the 22re and decided I didnt like it any more.... (boy to be 16 again and spending daddy's money)

I'm here because I miss it, and want another. I've got a question though, I'm really in need of a truck.
What is the width between the roll bars in the back? I'm a carpenter by trade, so being able to fit a 4x8 sheet of plywood would be nice.... instead of my current situation of strapping junk on the roof of my Xterra.


Oh and I found a couple 4runners in my area for pretty cheap!


Web Adventurer
They're actually Hanneman fenders that I found on ebay used for fairly cheap - and that's what they are, fairly cheap. They haven't broken or anything like that, but they don't line up very well either (even with shimming, etc). Every review I've heard of the ToyotaFiberglass panels says those ones are top notch. Beyond that, my only concern is that I no longer have a plastic inner fender to protect the door hinges/seals/etc. from rocks/dirt/water - but I haven't had any problems with the door seals leaking and the hinges just take a squirt of lube every few months to keep them quiet and happy.

7MGE swap note and pics - mine took a little while to finally get the cooling system where I want it, although I only really had problems with the original radiator when I was towing the trailer or running long grades wide open in the desert. I did lose my air conditioning, but I don't mind sweat. The swap itself went fairly smoothly, there is a small bit of cutting/fab work, but nothing that couldn't be farmed out if you don't have the tools - I spent 1/2 year gathering parts and researching the swap though, so in that respect I was prepared. The wiring part was pretty simple for me being really only 8 wires or so that need to be connected, but I'm also pretty handy with a DVOM.

aww man i need a login in to see that swap

Scenic WonderRunner

L O T.......you have been M I A......!

Where have you been, my brother of another mother>?!!!!....:sombrero:


My old '85 4runner before I painted it, added new wheels, 31s and just cleaned it up overall.... Then it stayed covered in mud, and I eventually floated it across a pond, hydro-locked the 22re and decided I didnt like it any more.... (boy to be 16 again and spending daddy's money)

I'm here because I miss it, and want another. I've got a question though, I'm really in need of a truck.
What is the width between the roll bars in the back? I'm a carpenter by trade, so being able to fit a 4x8 sheet of plywood would be nice.... instead of my current situation of strapping junk on the roof of my Xterra.


Oh and I found a couple 4runners in my area for pretty cheap!
L O T.......you have been M I A......!

Where have you been, my brother of another mother>?!!!!....:sombrero:

Har. I've been living. Graduated, moved to Dallas area, working.... now im sitting at home unemployed... putting my degree to good use....:cool:

But did get a moto trip to Mexico in a few weeks ago.

Measurement inside roll bars anyone?


there are lots of neat trucks in this thread. I'm a rover guy myself but these early 4runners are some serious kick @$$ rigs. Much love guys:)


Har. I've been living. Graduated, moved to Dallas area, working.... now im sitting at home unemployed... putting my degree to good use....:cool:

But did get a moto trip to Mexico in a few weeks ago.

Measurement inside roll bars anyone?

I don't exactly know what the measurement is, but I could not lay a 4x8" sheet of sheetrock down in mine.

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