2006 DC Tundra. DD meets ongoing tinkering.


Tub job has been coming along. Definitely had to take a bit more out of my truck that tvy12's. Possibly because of my slight difference in alignment and the shape and size of my Duratracs vs his Coopers. Either way, it fits and I can't really take out that much more.

Same deal. Coilover and bump stops removed, maxed out, full bump. I'll have to do something about the windshield reservoir. Probably put an aftermarket one under the hood somewhere or heat up and mold that one corner back a bit.


My buddy TJ welding on the truck for me while I watch for flames inside. I had two welding blankets inside which cut down on the sparks, but as you go higher towards the dash there is alot of goo that loves to catch on fire.


Chopper and re-plated the body mount. Had to take some off for full lock half stuff clearance.


Passenger side done. Used 3M body seam sealer on the inside and out on the gaps. Then two coats of primer, one coat of flat black then two coats of truck bed liner. On the inside, it was 3M body seam sealer, 1 coat of primer, then covered in Dynamat, then shoved the OEM insulation back in and then covered it by the carpert. Small amount of trimming on the trim cover and everything is back together.


and, because I had no one for fire watch and could not weld, I got bored and threw my dual batteries in for a quick mock up After tracing the OEM Ground Cable, I've decided not to replace it as it would be a royal PITA. Both + from the ALT to battery and Engine to - Battery look be to 4GA. Which will work just fine for my 130A alternator . The stock cables reach and that was good enough for me. If they didn't, I'd re-do it, and probably just zip tie them to the OEM harness as ripping that thing apart would be a huge PITA.



Expedition Leader
Nice job. I might be re doing my wheel tub as well. I trimmed it once for 32s but I might be jumping up to 34s next year

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So, tub job is pretty much done. Got all the interior trim pieces cut up and fit back in and all the paint/seam sealer/undercoating is dry.

My alignment was causing me some issues with tire fitment, so, I installed a SPC Cam Bolt Kit to fix that issue. My passenger was +3.18 caster and my driver was +3.40 caster and I could definatly tell the difference. One side would hit frame and one would not. So, truck is going in for an alignment tomorrow morning first thing, and, when I get it back, I'll see where I am and cut my fenders to fit. Truck looks pretty mad max with no side fenders or front bumper.

While I had some down time today, I fabd up a battery tray. Letting the paint dry overnight and then I'll install it tomorrow. Pretty happy with how it turned out, and hey, it was free.




Got the truck aligned today. Maybe I was thinking the Camburg UCA's and SPC Cam kit would make things perfect, but, ended up with 3.5 caster and -0.2 and 0.0 camber. Drives straight and tracks fine. It won't eat tires, but I have nothing more to adjust. Kinda of at a loss as to why I cant dial it in. Also, time and time again, my drivers side seems to be a bit different than my passenger side. Rubbing frame on one side and not the other. I'll have to double check numbers tomorrow.

Big box of electrical came in. Welded the battery box in and will start some wiring tomorrow. The BusBar that I was going to use for my common ground is a bit to big, so I'll have to swap it out for a 2 terminal instead of the 4.
Trying to decide where I want to mount my battery switch for my winch. I can mount it on the battery box, but unless I run it off of the AUX battery, the wiring will be messy. Not a big deal, as I'll probably combine them when winching anyways. Lots of people have opinions on how to run a dual battery system and I see merits to both ways. Either way, I have some time to sit on it. Don't have a bumper to put the winch in, so that comes next.

Tomorrow morning will be the final cut and test fit of the fenders and then I'll get some pictures up.



Expedition Leader
Not sure what to say about the frame rub. Odd if specs are same side to side.

Nice set of goodies. Duel set up gonna be a simple relay set up ?

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Well, I should probably be fitting my fenders to the truck, but I got a bit side tracked on some electrical.

Almost done wiring up the ML-ACR. I got to the point where I needed to run my 2AMP fused line from the house battery to the in cab switch, and, I wanted to do that off the fuse box I had yet to install. So, instead of doing it half *** and fixing it later I made up a mount for the FuseBlock/100 AMP Breaker. Need to get some hardware to install them and then I'll get it wired up tomorrow. Thinking I'll install the in-cab switch down under the bottom right of the steering wheel. My understanding is when the batteries are linked and charging, the two red LED"s on the switch are on. As this is how it will be most of the time, I don't want it right in front of me. It will be on AUTO most of the time, except for winching and self jumping when I'll force link the batteries.

Very happy with the install so far. The BlueSea stuff is quality through and through.



That looks really nice. I've been using the less expensive 7610 ACR without issue for several years, but it's fully automatic and rated for 120 amps.

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