Tire Chain Ladder...
(above)I was cleaning out the garage and I found a set of tire chains, cables actually...One thing I have on my list of things to do to the Sprinter is to find or make a ladder to the roof...
(above) I removed the cross cables I didn't need...A stiff, thin prybar and some hand strength are what's needed to get them off...
For steps I found some scrap conduit...
(above) It turns out that 3/4" electrical conduit fits over the cross cable ends, perfectly...
(above) After passing the cable through the pipe, the cross tie "things" are repositioned and hammered closed with center punch and a heavy hammer...
(above) About a half hour invested so far...
(above) The plan is to hook the ladder over my roof racks...Plywood is the easiest way for me to fab most things...Here are the rack hooks...
(above) Major assembly done...
(above) With the nylon cords, it super easy to adjust the overall length...As it is, it is an eight foot ladder...
I can reach the roof rack (barely) standing at the rear door and on my tip toes...The plywood hooks get dropped over and there it is...Roof ladder...
Hooks over rack...
I need to do one more simple things before I 'll call it done...It need a strap between the bottom stem and the step bumper to keep the ladder taught...If not, it's like a ladder up to a trapeze...
More later...