My electrical system is all Victron Energy from Bahn Camperworks. It went together easily and is amazing thus far. The panels are 1300 watts (panasonic), batteries are 2 x 200 amps lithium, Inverter is a multiplus 3000w, and solar controller is a 150/85.
My favorite feature of this system by far is the fact that I can send excess power back to the grid. When I'm not plugged in the extra power will go to the water heater. Below is the color control gx which is the brain of the Victron Energy system.
The GX also has wifi and gps built in. You can go to this link and see where I am and what the power statistics are. I've just invited all of you into the circle of trust. If my truck comes up missing the first place I'd go is that site. I'm trusting none of you will steal my truck and pull the gps
These last pictures were taken recently and show where I am now. Next goal is to have the shower compartment finished enough to install the fridge. After fridge comes motor vehicle inspection, then tires, then counter top order. With the temps above 100 it's good to be working inside.
My electrical system is all Victron Energy from Bahn Camperworks. It went together easily and is amazing thus far. The panels are 1300 watts (panasonic), batteries are 2 x 200 amps lithium, Inverter is a multiplus 3000w, and solar controller is a 150/85.
My favorite feature of this system by far is the fact that I can send excess power back to the grid. When I'm not plugged in the extra power will go to the water heater. Below is the color control gx which is the brain of the Victron Energy system.
The GX also has wifi and gps built in. You can go to this link and see where I am and what the power statistics are. I've just invited all of you into the circle of trust. If my truck comes up missing the first place I'd go is that site. I'm trusting none of you will steal my truck and pull the gps
These last pictures were taken recently and show where I am now. Next goal is to have the shower compartment finished enough to install the fridge. After fridge comes motor vehicle inspection, then tires, then counter top order. With the temps above 100 it's good to be working inside.