I took it in to this little shop by my house and I totally didn't tighten the passenger side down far enough...rookie mistake and it felt tight and snug... cost me $38, but as soon as I pulled out of the shop my check engine light came on....hmmmm fishy. I drove it right back and they scanned it, it was a large evap leak so he cleared it...then was like have you gotten any gas lately....ummm no, well if it comes back on bring it back and we can run a smoke test on it....hmmmm even more fishy...any updates on the sounds?
I haven't drove it since but I really can't catch a break lol. I still have a wobble, so my next step is, stockers go back on, if that stops it then I know it's a tire or wheel issue, if not next is an alignment, if that doesn't work cv axles are next....by any chance if I can't get the wobble out, then I will be going back down to fd1 height...putting my wheels on Craigslist and my selling my springs on the forum or jpatw....that's really in the extreme case that nothing works out lol.
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