Got the Baja Designs Stealth LED light bar installed, very impressive no shadows and very bright! Puts out more light than my 4 8" La Paz HID's.

There will be a demo in Amado! These lights are pretty awsome!
So that's what, $1400 worth of lights on the rack? Do you leave the truck unattended?
And if so what is your address again?:sombrero:
I keed, I keed
I have an Austrian Glock system that consists of plastic and metal!
I have an Austrian lock system that consists of plastic and metal! I'm going to install security torx heads on all high dollar items. I going to have a bar added that will run over the top of the lights to give them some protection from branches.
Do you have a write up on the V6 Safari snorkle install? I have the 2.7l and was wondering if any mods?