Correct.. His truck is a 2019, soooooooo
I said I'm happy with the Morimoto XB's overall. Not worth the $ to me to buy OEM LED's. Moving on....
What's next...(some of this may sound boring)
-37s go on soon.
-Been working a little bit on organization in the crossframe box. Need to track down the appropriate size storage containers so everything is tidy. Going through all of my recovery gear and bagging that...this will be a mini project to decide what all to load the truck with; which spare tools, etc. When I had VANdiana Jones, I carried a lot more tool rolls because it was slightly older vehicle. With this truck I don't expect I'll take as much, and I also am very mindful of the weight.
-King's will need to come off and go back to Carli for a re-tune. Carli/Deaver XXHD leafs have been ordered; 8-12wks away. As I think I mentioned above, the leafs are staring at me right now since the 4 HPI underbed boxes aren't on. And those boxes will stay off until leafs are installed, so there's more prepping I can do (unbox the 4 Gladiator-finish boxes from HPI and start figuring out what to put where inside them).
-Need to sprinkle its first shakedown trip in here. Will stay local.
-Lots more wiring to do for custom lights/switches/etc.
-Onboard air compressor/tank needs to be custom installed, lines run, etc.
-Lots more little things on the list too.