Ford South Africa, no f150
Ford Australia, no f150
And yet you can find used F-150's listed for Australia on Car Sales Australia
And I am almost positive that the F-150 was sold at one point in parts of South Africa.
The only motors they have for the Ranger, not Ranger raptor, are diesel in Australia and South Africa. I used Aus and s. Africa as the primary examples because ford built the Ranger specifically for these two regions. As a matter of fact ford built these version of the Ranger first in S. Africa. Watch their press release and their testing, it’s a very impressive vehicle.
I acknowledge that the Ranger was developed initially for overseas markets and was built with higher capabilities than the average North American midsized truck. That's why I'm hoping that Ford brings that same truck, with all those capabilities to the North American market. Ford explicitly acknowledges that its F-150 is set up for a 10 year service life. They build those trucks for quantity, not quality; I'm not a fan of that mentality.
The mid-size/full-size markets have been blurring lines over the past ten years. When pricing comes into question most consumer will take the larger
option over the smaller one. Especially when fuel consumption are nearly equal.
1/2 ton fuel efficiency is still pretty mediocre. You can save quite a bit of money in fuel and maintenance by going with a midsized pickup. The "bigger is better" mentality will die off when the economy turns or fuel prices go back up (which is inevitable) and people become more practical with their money.