Yes, CAMP-FX will is basically a "flatbed X" model. Same layout as a CAMP-X (rear door, drivers-side galley, passenger side dinette) but since a flatbed format, there will be much more room for storage since the lower sides of the camper are not notched inward to fit in a pickup bed. There are a couple other nice surprises in the package as well they are still finalizing. Arnold said they will have the specs and pics up on their website in mid-April, well ahead of EXPO West which is where they will be featuring a CAMP-FX. And he said, as the build progresses, they will share info on IG. I'm anxious for the design to mature and the first specs/pics to be released and then I will start a new thread on it. Should be a fun one to see.
I'd love to see a flatbed option for mid-size trucks from OEV and I wish they'd come out with a CAMP-FM. Their Camp-M looks a wee bit cramped inside even for just two people.