Making Some Progress (subframe/bumper almost ready for powdercoat next week)
One of the non-negotiables for this build was, permanently mounted, rock solid, easy to deploy and retract STEPS. So much so, the subframe was designed to accommodate mounting them.
I know it may seem trivial for some, but not me. I very rarely spend the night in the same place twice while traveling, so I am constantly moving.
The Brophy folding removable steps on my last setup were nice, did the job, and well made, but the constant removing them, installing them, storing them, etc, got old pretty fast. Having seen several of the fancy electric auto deploy ones fail in person, that wasnt an option, they didnt work for my height either.
After a pretty ridiculous amount of research and driving all over to check them out in person, i decided on the Torklift Revolution Steps with adjustable all terrain feet.
They come in a ton of different configurations, number of steps, and have lots of adjustability to match the door height, uneven terrain, etc..
I had 42" from ground to bottom of subframe where i was mounting them, so i went with part # TLA8005
I fabbed up some beefcake mounting brackets to mount the steps to the subframe, Had my friend Ian from
Wheel Every Weekend (click to check them out) weld them up after some trial and error for positioning.
I couldnt be happier with them, how perfectly they fit, and the easy adjustability to fine tune the position and stability.
VERY VERY well made nice product and highly recommend! I paid full price, not sponsored in anyway, just super happy with these.
NOTES: Yeah, the exhaust is being modified to clear the steps, and the Kelderman system. The fenders/mudflaps (to be installed later) will cover these from debris. With the Kelderman 4 link system, the tires moves straight up and down, not in a rearward motion like a leaf spring would, ample clearance.