Nope but I'm gonna look at one now! Then I can stop stealing my girlfriends SR22 and bugging her
I have one of those tools in my desk at work...Title didn't say it needed to be a long's a 1954 Colt Woodsman with original, box, target, pamphlet and tool...complete set....oooooh and by the way, it's a tack driver
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This was a brand new action and accuracy wise it was a big fan of CCI standard. However it failed to extract ALL THE TIME just like my other MKII FV SR. I didn't have any issues extracting w/ the CCI Velocitor or any of the other ammo. Not sure what could be causing it. I even would shot 10 rounds of CCI and it would fail to extract, fire 10 rounds of anything else and it would be fine then back to CCI and it would continue to fail. Very odd.