Was driving across the US recently and stopped for a bit of a break at a Sportsman's Warehouse store...I needed some heavier socks. Walking around I decided to check the firearms section and saw that they had a couple of Ruger 10/22 Stainless Takedown rifles in stock. I had a 10/22 in the past and regretfully sold it...so I bought one.
Got to shoot it out West and just like my old wooden stock 10/22...functioned perfectly. Good practical accuracy, pretty fair trigger and decent sights. Picked up two extra 10 round mags and a strap on sling so I'm all set.
The rifle comes with a nice looking ballistic nylon carry bag that carries the rifle broken down. The bag is nicely made and has additional room/pockets and I found that the rifle, the extra mags, sling, and two 100 round boxes of ammo fit into the supplied carry case with room to spare. The nylon stock and stainless steel make it a bit more suitable for longer term storage in a vehicle where you might have high humidity and the case provides good padding/protection. Very simple process to assemble/take-down/store.
Overall a nice compact .22 rifle package very suitable for overlanding and sporting use.
Stock rifle photo:
My new socks: