22 BS thread


Well I've tried the RPR out and wow is all I can say. once I make ballistic adjustments for range it put the rounds where I want the to go. It's a great addition I recommend it heartily! MY primary ammo is the 60 grain aguila sniper subsonics . that way no hearing pro is req. as in Canadaland the elected dictator doesn't like safety devices


New member
Here's my daughter's collection. She started out with a crickett and then one of my friends built up the AR-22. Going from one shot at a time to 25 round mags was a game changer for her. I had to fight her to get a turn. It's the most fun I've had shooting in a long time. It's hard to shoot straight when you are laughing.



My oldest playing with a drop in kit on a spare pistol upper, far more enjoyable than shooting 5.56mm out of it.

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I’m not sure why, but I recently bought a Henry AR 7 to drag around on my travels. It must have been the non-shiny object fascination.

Cabelas had them on sale for $249.

Update: I have not fired this rifle yet, but unfortunately have had two parts (the charging handle and the knob for the rod that secures the receiver to the stock) fall off the rifle. My local Cabelas says they will not accept it back as a return, but they will send it for a repair.

The charging handle just came unscrewed (which should not have happened), and a bit of locktite will solve that. The knob for the tension rod lost a locking pin. Again an easy fix if i could locate the tiny locking pin. I am very disappointed with the quality Of the rifle. This is probably the first and last Henry I will purchase.

I am also disappointed with the response from Cabelas. In my opinion the rifle may not be fit for the purpose for which it was intended, and I expected better.

Update2: the knob locking pin was not missing, the pin was there, but the armorer completely missed the hole in the rod. It appears friction was all that held the knob In place on the rod end. I now have the knob and rod properly pinned, and will secure the things with a drop of locktite.

Damn, is this a Made in USA by idiots situation?

Update3: I sent Henry an email over the weekend. They graciously offered to replace the rifle, no questions asked, no cost to me. A far better response than Cabelas.

Since both issues were relatively minor and now repaired, my fit of pique Is softened. I thanked them, but told them I will keep the rifle unless I discover a safety issue when I get out and murder a few tin cans.
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True Grip

New member
Both Ruger 77/22
The stainless boat paddle stock is 22 long rifle. The walnut stock is 22 Hornet with after market trigger and is so fun to shoot.
I bought the Hornet in 94 as soon as Ruger came out with it for farm use. I’m a fan of the rotary clips and both guns have served me well.


What is the general consensus for most accurate and trouble free .22 round?
My personal is CCI STD for plinking.
What do y'all think is most accurate in hollow point? If there is such a thing.

CCI MiniMags are my go to for quality .22 hunting ammo.

True Grip

New member
bet you can drive tacks with the Ruger.. nice looking
Farthest kill was 165 yards on coyote. Skunks and armadillos were harder to hit at the range Sometimes needed follow up shot. The Hornet extended the range from the house without having to let all the neighbors know when I shot something. It’s loud enough but not like a bigger centerfire.


My friends daughter's rifle was having issues so I did some work on it, we then had to go to the range to see if it was fixed. It was ! But I got my friends wife shooting my Browning Buckmark! She liked it so I let her try my Glock in the 9mm format. Hes got a 1911 , it was a little much so I let her try it. Well now I'm hoping he can talk her into her own pistol!

Mickey Bitsko

i have an old Remington Fieldmaster 572 , it shoots real nice and stays quite accurate .
since it's not anything special i would still like to have a good/better scope, maybe a 3x9x?
i'm sure everyone has an opinion , i'm just looking for a starting point.


Well-known member
i have an old Remington Fieldmaster 572 , it shoots real nice and stays quite accurate .
since it's not anything special i would still like to have a good/better scope, maybe a 3x9x?
i'm sure everyone has an opinion , i'm just looking for a starting point.

Generically, I usually recommend Vortex scopes for Quality/Price ratio. They have a price point for everyone, and I've found the relative quality at each price point to be category-leading in terms of build quality and optical quality. They also have a lot of options. For a 22LR, I like the Crossfire II scopes. They make a 3-9 on both 40 and 50 objective, and also an adjustable objective in 40 or 50mm in a 4-12.

Mickey Bitsko

thanks SBS... i read up on Vortex scopes and Athlon Optics very similar according to reviews , on both generally very good
for .22 lr.
i ordered the Athlon Optics Neos rifle scope 3-9 x40 for no particular reason , prices are the same.


Was driving across the US recently and stopped for a bit of a break at a Sportsman's Warehouse store...I needed some heavier socks. Walking around I decided to check the firearms section and saw that they had a couple of Ruger 10/22 Stainless Takedown rifles in stock. I had a 10/22 in the past and regretfully sold it...so I bought one.

Got to shoot it out West and just like my old wooden stock 10/22...functioned perfectly. Good practical accuracy, pretty fair trigger and decent sights. Picked up two extra 10 round mags and a strap on sling so I'm all set.

The rifle comes with a nice looking ballistic nylon carry bag that carries the rifle broken down. The bag is nicely made and has additional room/pockets and I found that the rifle, the extra mags, sling, and two 100 round boxes of ammo fit into the supplied carry case with room to spare. The nylon stock and stainless steel make it a bit more suitable for longer term storage in a vehicle where you might have high humidity and the case provides good padding/protection. Very simple process to assemble/take-down/store.

Overall a nice compact .22 rifle package very suitable for overlanding and sporting use.

Stock rifle photo:

My new socks:



Well-known member
Nice! I’ve got a 10/22 takedown stainless that I put into a Magpul Hunter stock and topped with a Vortex 2 MOA reflex site. It comes with me on every camping or hunting trip during rabbit season and has taken a lot of rabbits.

I was on a desert Jeep trip last winter and camped one night at a random spot late at night off the main trail. I awoke to the sound of quail calling before daylight and got out of my tent to watch the sun come up. I had inadvertently camped about three hundred meters down a canyon from a spring and there were rabbits EVERYWHERE. The quick-handling 10/22 came out of its bag very quickly and I enjoyed rabbit stew that night! (And no, I did not shoot anywhere within 200 yards of the spring!)

10/22’s can be an addiction and the takedown is really well suited to the Magpul stocks (Hunter and Backpacker)

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